I was looking through a list of islands by size, and thinking that many of them have their own coinage. If you like, please post coins for the various islands of the world. A few of mine: Nova Scotia, Halfpenny token Seychelles, Half Rupee, 1939 Saint Pierre and Miquelon, 1 Franc, 1948 St. Helena, Halfpenny token, 1821 (here's a pic of a better one) Cook Islands, Two Dollars, 2015 Please share your own! Island nations which share an island like Haiti and Papua New Guinea count too.
Let's see what we got for island nations . . . Dominican Republic - Papua New Guinea - Aruba - Vanuatu - and I'll end with Tristan da Cunha -
If you think about it there are actually A LOT of island countries with their own coins. Even larger nations like Great Britain, Japan, Philippines and Indonesia. So I could be here all day posting different pictures, but here are just a few. Prince Edward Island, Azores, Guadeloupe, Japan and Danish West Indies.
A few more: Malta, 1768, 4 Tari, Emmanuel Pinto Lesbos, Electrum Hekte, Mytilene 521-478 BC Danish West Indies (now US Virgin Islands) 5 and 10 bit Cyprus, 9 Piastres, 1901 Straits Settlements (Singapore), 1 Cent, 1845, East India Co. Dutch East Indies, 1809, Louis Napoleon British West Indies, 1/8 Dollar, 1822