Featured "COINS - AS SEEN ON TV!" Featuring RCTV Rare Collectibles TV

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by Norsk64, Mar 22, 2017.

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  1. Norsk64

    Norsk64 The Coin TV Critic

    Yes, I will be featuring AVC and Collectible Coins with Don Davis sometime down the road. I did buy from them about 4 years back. It was a pretty basic and inexpensive purchase, and all went well. But, I was then a target for their Collectors Alliance telemarketers trying to sell me coins for the foreseeable future! They still call...

    Thanks for the inquiry!
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  3. davidh

    davidh soloist gnomic

    Not a TV ad, but seen in a magazine:

    Original U.S.Gov't Morgan Silver Dollars!
    Special limited release of 2985 Morgan Silver Dollars 96-139 years old at $49.90 each (plus $4 s, h and ins.)
    These Morgans are among the last surviving originals still in existence and each coin is guaranteed to be in mostly Brilliant to Fine condition.

    I'm guessing that mostly will be in Fine condition

    Brought to you by National Collector's Mint, Inc.
    (offer not valid in CT or MN)
  4. Santinidollar

    Santinidollar Supporter! Supporter

    Ah, the National Collector's Mint. Run by Barry Goldwater's son and a former pornography peddler.

    Act now and avoid future regret!
    Stevearino likes this.
  5. Norsk64

    Norsk64 The Coin TV Critic

    LOL! "These Morgan's are among the last surviving originals..." And in "mostly brilliant to Fine condition"? I'm guessing you'll get heavily circulated 1921's! Sadly, I'm sure they have had their share of takers.
  6. willieboyd2

    willieboyd2 First Class Poster

    (offer not valid in CT or MN)

    Got any 48-star US flags?

  7. Norsk64

    Norsk64 The Coin TV Critic


    I just witnessed what has to be one of AAN-TV's most over-the-top, laugh out loud coin offerings, if it weren't so sad and maddening all at the same time! Or was it? Up on the screen we see 2 PCGS boxes sealed together in plastic, with a label that has an "official/police" look to it with the words "EVIDENCE" printed across the top in BIG BOLD LETTERS. Eric Wagner, the Host tonight on AAN-TV's "Coins, Currency, and Pocket Watches" presents this as being the "North Dakota Border Enforcement Evidence Seizure", where he tells his viewers that "someone tried to smuggle coins from Canada into the U.S.," and that these (boxes) come from the North Dakota Border Patrol, and they were taken in as evidence. Say What?! "ALL SALES FINAL" pops up next to the $159.97 price for the sealed 2 blue PCGS boxes, but Eric had no idea what is in them. Wow! Could they be Gold? Could they be PCGS graded Silver Eagles in 70 in there? Eric then says there are 40 slabbed coins in the boxes that he knows of. Man, the possibilities are limitless! But wait...There are 2 items that you can see in the sealed plastic, taped on outside of boxes! And they happen to be a roll of what Eric thinks are Indian Head Cents, and a gold nugget the size of a Chicklet (Tiny!) in a NCG "certified" slab. And I use that term "certified" oh, so loosely! Hmmm...I wonder who else has access to a ton of NCG garbage "certified" slabs?? And I think a little harder, and ask myself, "Wait...AAN also offers out NCG slabbed coins all the time, in addition to these microscopic gold 'nuggets'!!" And then it hits me! The criminal(s) that were smuggling coins from Canada to the U.S., must have purchased a ton of NCG "graded" coins from AAN! And the gold you're wondering? Eric said that Canada produces a lot of gold in Alberta, and that's where these gold nuggets may have come from. They must be a great buy, as the phones are in que for an eternity! I pick the phone up and eventually get to buy 2 boxes, and I can hardly wait till they arrive! Will there be Gold coins? Silver coins? 70's? High grade Morgan's? PCGS First Strikes? I've heard stories of criminal cartels that smuggle coins across our Northern border, particularly North Dakota. I just hope these criminals are in jail, as I get to steal some of their booty! I'll let you all know what I get in my boxes from AAN-TV, when they arrive in 2 to 6 weeks. Wish me luck!


  8. kkathyl0

    kkathyl0 Active Member

    Most folks new only use cell phones to take a picture. and when not ready to sell a coin at a price that is about right, they lit them and think well if they want it that bad they will pay. Then when they are ready to sell the price drops. @Norsk64 WOW you really put it out.
  9. Norsk64

    Norsk64 The Coin TV Critic

    Thanks for your comment...I think. Not sure to what you were referring to, but then again, I'm not that bright.
  10. buffnixx

    buffnixx Active Member

    yes Rick is a huckster for sure. i noticed right off and was repelled by his eBay comparisons which are inaccurate. and i checked flea bay and you can usually get a better deal, and sometimes much better, from that online sight. still the entertainment value of the shows are great and you can learn a lot about the Franklin and Kennedy serieses if that is your passion. go ahead and watch. but be very careful about buying.
  11. V. Kurt Bellman

    V. Kurt Bellman Yes, I'm blunt! Get over your "feeeeelings".

    Rick was once the "Mac Daddy" of 1950-1970 cameo proofs, and he later "sold out" or "cashed in" or however you want to describe it. He "went Hollywood".
    kkathyl0 likes this.
  12. Norsk64

    Norsk64 The Coin TV Critic

    Thanks for your comment. I do respect Rick for his extensive knowledge, but the almighty buck seems to have taken over resulting in some of his comments and analysis being just plain wrong. eBay price comparisons being a prime example.
  13. SchwaVB57

    SchwaVB57 Well-Known Member

    I think Barry Chapel? rubbed off on him when he was on with Barry. Barry is as trustworthy as a dog with rabies.
  14. TheMont

    TheMont Well-Known Member

    Rick's in big trouble, he has just bought 900 2017 PR69 "Congratulations" Silver Eagles slabbed by NGC. Why is he in trouble? Other TV shows are selling the exact same coin for $119 while he is charging $199.

    Another problem I have with his show is he always states how "rare" a coin is by it's population number, not its mintage. Why do I have a problem with this? I have a problem because the coins he sells with low pops are coins that people don't bother to get certified- thus low population numbers.

    He, obviously, is aiming his pitches at the uniformed or novice collectors.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2017
    Stevearino likes this.
  15. Johndoe2000$

    Johndoe2000$ Well-Known Member

    Just wanted to say that I really enjoy these threads, and want to thank the OP for continuing to do them.
    SchwaVB57 likes this.
  16. Santinidollar

    Santinidollar Supporter! Supporter

    Just did a scan of eBay prices. For once, the best deal may be on TV. Will wonders ever cease?:p
  17. TheMont

    TheMont Well-Known Member

    Santinidollar likes this.
  18. yankee doodle

    yankee doodle Member

    I agree with most that has been written. But from a strictly business point of view, Rick's prices have to be inflated to cover his costs. Most of you reading this know better not to buy from TV, but to the uninitiated, it can be an educational process with a costly tuition price tag.
  19. yankee doodle

    yankee doodle Member

    How do you know from these shows which coin you are exactly going to receive after you purchase one? Is it the coin on camera which has been cherry picked for TV viewership? What are Rick's return policies? They never mention them. I do admit, at times, I have learned something about coins from Rick. However, I watch to learn what the psychology is when someone is trying to sell something. Like on Porn Stars. It's fun to anticipate the offers and counter-offers and who will break first (even though the outcomes are pre-determined). We are all buyers and sellers in life in some capacity or another.
  20. TheMont

    TheMont Well-Known Member

    Every business is entitled to make a profit, that's the basis of Capitalism. It's when the prices are so high as to cheat the Buyer that there's a problem.

    As was mentioned, Rick got his start on the Barry Chapel show. Barry was partners with a man named "Jack". Barry bought out Jack and eventually lost his coin show because of medical problems. "Jack" is the financial backer of Rick's show. The circle goes round and round.
  21. Santinidollar

    Santinidollar Supporter! Supporter

    Be hesitant about cutting any of these TV vultures any slack by saying "they have high costs." They sell their wares at these ridiculously inflated prices to the unsuspecting because they CAN.
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