Coin World Magazine

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by HowardStern, Aug 1, 2011.

  1. Victor

    Victor Coin Collector

    I get Coin World and Coinage. The article about the stolen mint gold was interesting. I am surprised the workmen got to keep all the gold they found.
    The homeowner got none.
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  3. StGauden658

    StGauden658 Junior Member

    I subscribe to the digital edition. TC

    I have been a CW subscriber since 1983, and just a few years ago went digital( which includes 12 hard copies a year). I've enjoyed the articles from Q. David Bowers over the years(as well as his books). I also enjoy The Numismatist immensely, and I also subscribed for the digital edition.
  4. Tompkins316

    Tompkins316 Member

    That is the main reason I have never purchased it from a store or got a subscription. I have no need for the price guide...between my red book, this website and its members, and other internet resources a price guide is a bit superfluous for me.

    If the price guide was smaller or non-existant, I would almost certainly subscribe.
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