Coin without any number/figure?

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by ErolGarip, Jul 17, 2017.

  1. Cheech9712

    Cheech9712 Every thing is a guess

    Geez. I forgot the original question
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  3. ErolGarip

    ErolGarip Active Member

    Probably, when you saw "Presidents"... who too had forgotten, the original coin, that I too had forgotten, for more than 40 years.
    Now, it is in my hand (see picture.)

    (Original, if you mean "first"?, post was an introduction post related to "coin&math". Now, we are at coins with value "1")

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  4. ErolGarip

    ErolGarip Active Member

    You read this? Ok, lets go on.

    Presidents of the World, elected or not, if not fake presidents, are NOT leaders, they are not keeping their own words, they don't have coins with value "1" in their pockets... They should have done that WITHOUT questioning... as they requested from the others.

    What are the others thinking about the coins with value "1"?

    Is it a small money? Yes, it is. But, it is also somethings else. I'll clarify.

    Lets take USA as an example here as it seems that majority of people on this forum are from there. Which coins are there?

    10cent, 5cent, 1cent, 50cent, 25cent, 100cent (=1usd, paper), 500cent (5usd), etc.

    Lets put them in order from small to big, with sign "<" ("a<b" showing a smaller than b.)

    1cent < 5cent < 10cent < 25cent < 50cent < 100cent < etc.

    I guess this is ok for everybody. This rank is not wrong, but, I'll list a little differently now.

    1cent ..... 5cent < 10cent < 25cent < 50cent < 100cent <etc.

    I just kept 1cent seperate from all others. Why? Because its value "1" is "constant".. while all others are "variables", that is, for ex, instead of 10cent, for ex., 12cent can be minted and it depends on the economy. This can not be done for 1cent, as it has the value "1", alternativeless... So, it does not matter whether you are poor with a few cents only or rich with millions of dollars, "1cent" is NON-negligible.

    Also, it (1cent) is "unit value", which means it exists in all others from 5cent to trillion cents or billions dollars...

    So, "1cent" should be handled "seperately" from all the others.
    Same for all others, 1penny, 1agora, 1kurus, 1yen, 1kapik, etc.

    (ok, late here, good evening.)
  5. ErolGarip

    ErolGarip Active Member

    I'll continue with this (also for old engineer and for professor in mathematics)

    Here, the left part of ".....", i.e., 1cent, is more about "science" in general, the math in particular, rather than "economy" while the right part, i.e. 5cent, 10cent, etc are more about "economy" while they also have some math, but, that math we, especially economists, are used to. What is new here is "discovery" of "1", which has already been available, so, it can be called "re-discovery". This was needed because "circulation" of "1cent" has been tried to be done in the same way that "circulations" of 5,10,25,etc cents and also banknotes such as 5,100,etc usd have been done....

    So, what is the solution, how to handle "1cent"? You may find this like a joke and you may laugh a lot (I did this, I laughed at myself a lot, after more than 40 years).

    Answer is simple... Just keep at least one "1cent" in your pockets and always keep it in your pockets...

    (no need to circulate 1cent, shouldn't be circulated, as 1cent is not a commercial, not a trade item...)

    ------------ Edited to add this, that what I said in another thread, "definition of uncirculated", that might not be read by math prof and old engineer who has probably spent much time in the industry with much dirt, but, hey, those kinds of dirts are signs of "effort", not shown by some others like "Presidents" of the World... ---------

    In my post above, it is "1kurus" coin, in my hand in that picture, also in my pocket.
    Having "1kurus", yes, can be similar to having "1tulip" and having "1cent" can be similar to "1iris", but, that's all. In 1tulip and 1iris, what is important is tulip (or, iris), not "1" as tulip/iris/etc are arts like objects rather than mathematical objects. This is different in case of "money". When I have "1kurus" in my pocket, it means, I also have "1cent" (or 1agora or 1penny or 1yen or etc) in my pocket. Because what is important in "money" is mathematics and it is "1" which is constant and unit value of money, all and any money...

    Good evening.
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2017
  6. ErolGarip

    ErolGarip Active Member

    Unless no any comment on this, especially by math prof Dale in USA who now has "1", no more any comment from me either here.
  7. CoinCorgi

    CoinCorgi Tell your dog I said hi!

    See ya. Before you go, could you please leave me the scooby 1snacks?
  8. ErolGarip

    ErolGarip Active Member

    I did a wrong thing here.

    Even before the mathematical/educational/economical/etc aspects, I should have mentioned about "work safety", which is relevant to engineering more, related to the 1cent.

    Those who don't know what the money is, what the safety in the money is, also miss the safety in the works...
    People who are careless in the money are also careless in the work safety...

    Those who have no 1cent (or 1kurus or 1agora or etc) in their pockets are not "workable" people...

    So, workers, especially in the industry with risky techniques you are in close contact, keep at least one 1cent (or, an equivalent such as 1kurus, 1agora, 1yen, 1kapik, etc) always with you in your pockets.... Its mathematics, education, economy, etc of money are all secondary to the work safety...

    While we are talking its mathematics etc, you can learn and educate your kids too, but, you, your work safety, is the first...

    Have good works.
  9. SchwaVB57

    SchwaVB57 Well-Known Member

    ErolGarip, you lost me many, many posts ago concerning a mathematical formula to state your hypnosis. I know I should not ask, but how in the world does keeping 1 cent in your pocket correlate to safety at work?
  10. ErolGarip

    ErolGarip Active Member

    SchwaVB57, okay, we can discuss its mathematics later and my contact to a professor in mathematics who may be viewing here is also for this reason, for educational mathematics.

    You asked a good question about the priority which is "work safety", how does keeping 1cent in the pocket correlate safety at work?

    People, all people, have various problems, and their main motivation/orientation to solve their problems is the money, you know this. It is ok, but, WHEN a person is AT work, she/he should try to think money as minimum as possible. For example, lets take an ultimate example for risky work, an electrican in the industry. WHEN she/he is AT work, she/he should NOT think about the money at all or should think minimally if she/he can not manage not to think money at all. Otherwise, a "small" error she/he may do because of thinking money while AT work may cause some unwanted "big" results. I am not an electrican, they know the risks in electricity work better than me, but, I am an experienced one in the industry and I am not unfamiliar also with electricans. Okay, not thinking money WHILE AT WORK may not be so easy for any electrician or any person, but, keeping 1cent (or equivalents such as 1kurus) always in the pocket will be helpful... It is about the "integrity" of money that may also help on seeing "integrity" in a work... For ex, an electrican who is an expert or a novice can understand "integrity in work" as electricty "control pen" (voltage tester) which is a part of of "integrated" electric technique and main simple and first thing that he should use first even before contacting any electrical item. If we draw an analogy, "1cent coin" in money is like "control pen" in electric... (I can give some more many examples, but, that ultimate example, electric, is enough, I guess, for you all to see importance of "integrity" which is also closely connected to the "work safety".)
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2017
  11. ErolGarip

    ErolGarip Active Member

    Now, since we came to "work safety", my this post is addressed to "engineers" and "workers" who are in the field works such as repairement&maintanence at a factory, particularly addressed to "workers" of whom among them there are some with less number of diplomas. Lets take an example, a straight electrican worker at a factory with no certificate or no technican diploma in electricity, not even a graduate of elementary school. How will he understand what I am saying here? I'm sure he is probably having much difficulty in understanding my all words, and worse, here I am talking mathematics which is another complex issue for him and which is not my specialization, with my poor English... So, to be able to communicate with him, our issue here now is "LANGUAGE"...

    For this, lets start with "how much" and "how many"... You an American worker, depending on the case, probably quickly chose and say "how much" or "how many" without thinking a second.. But, I for one who learnt English later sometime need to think for a while in chosing which must be used, "how much" or "how many"... I was taught that, as a general rule, when it is about "countable" it is "how many" and when it is about "uncountable" it is "how much"... Now, here, we came to "language&mathematics" as there is a criteria; countability and uncountability... Lets take "money" here. Is it countable or uncountable? What does mathematics tell about this?

    I'll jump a little, to a high level mathematics about numbers, but, with a very simplified equation, so that you can see "most important numbers" in mathematics which are used also in physics, in chemistry, in economy, etc., just in one equation only:

    It is called Euler Identity::: e^{i.Pi} + 1 = 0 .

    Forget about its calculation and what this equation in reality means now, just look at the numbers in that equation, which are "e", "i", "Pi", "1" and "0" which is a summary of numbers in mathematics. I'll write only what these numbers are, shortly, without going into their details and will pick up one of them to go on talking about "countability".

    "e"=2.71828... (three dots mean "etc")
    "i"=square root of "-1", so, imaginary number.
    "1" and "0" = you already know.

    Lets pick "e" here as it is used in many fields from engineering to economy, for example, in calculation of compound interest for money in your bank account...

    A mathematican says "how much money" because he uses "e=2.71828...", for ex, in his money interest calculations and "e" is an "uncountable" number, in mathematics, it is also named as "irrational" number as the number after comma/point never ends, that's, never repeats..

    What an engineer does? (or, a banker, in the result of calculations at a bank?)
    Lets say total accumulated amount of money with a compound interest after long mathematical calculations is $7489,27369... (numbers after comma appear because of number "e" which is uncountable number as I said above.)... But, you don't see this figure in your bank account, you see a "cut" or in other word, a "rounded" figure, $7489,27... Engineers do similar "cuts" in numbers for "approximations" according to their need in each specific case. But, our item here is "money." So, an engineer says or must say,"how many money"... as seen here, result is practical number, "7289,27" or if we write it in cents, you see better, "728927" which is a "countable number"... And, it is in "cent", its exact saying should be "how many cent"... NOT "how much cent" at all...

    Yes, while a mathematican playing with numbers in mathematics about money, sometimes he comes across with such numbers 7489.27369..., but, it is not "money" yet, until it is "cut" to 2 digits after point, that is about "1cent" unit value after cutting/rounding.. Mathematicans who might get confused about my these words can consider such numbers as "intermediate/transformation" numbers used temporarily which is done like in using "i" (imaginary number) in calculations.

    So, "money" is a countable item, unlike it is claimed by "linguists" who teach us "how much money" which is false... Money is a practical item, used in daily life, and its unit value is "1"... If we don't do this "engineering approach" of cutting/rounding, all physical moneys (yes, I used "s" for plural as money is countable) including coins, banknotes, electronic cards, etc should be cancelled in the life... If a mathematican proposes a new idea saying "lets cancel all physical moneys", still, he should have 1cent first in his pocket... Or, he'll be disconnected from the reality, from current reality of money...

    So, we now have another language, LANGUAGE of MONEY... which is a language common to everybody in the world...

    So, now, we can also talk about "integrity" which also exists in "money" and also exists in each "work" field and "integrity" is related to "work safety"... (This topic is to be talked together with engineers here, especially with "old" engineers who are experienced in communicating with workers. Those old engineers can also be helpful to young "safety engineers" who need to think about "1"coin and they too have to have at least one 1coin in their pockets..)
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2017
  12. ErolGarip

    ErolGarip Active Member

    "Old" engineer, what are you waiting?

    Probably, your mind is on "economy", meaning, more money, like your "boss" doing. Or, your mind is on "mathematics" of money like your math prof at university doing.

    You are an engineer, a practical person, and there is a person/people over there whose work safety is first... For the moment, just give one 1coin to each of them and leave it to time... No need to waste time now to think about "boss" and "mathematican"... His mind of your boss is already on "more money" while his mind of mathematican is already on "more numbers" about money... One (mathematican) is already doing some unnecessary extra things (called over-engineering) while one (boss) is doing somethings missing (called under-engineering.) If you wait for them to do somethings good, you wait for long time.

    What's engineering? Whatever is "sufficient" is engineering. Here, "sufficiency" is "integrity" in practicality. What is practical reality of money? From engineering mathematics point of view, it is 1coin, a coin with value 1, undividable value of money. If it is divided, that dividing operation is "irreversable" operation that makes 1coin somethings else which cannot be called money anymore. Mathematican may keep playing with numbers for the moment, for example, he can try to divide $100 by 3 to share $100 by 3 people "equally". Mathematically, maybe, it can be done, in the future or in his dream, but, it can not be done monetarily, as money itself is already an "approximation" that is a thing already being done a lot in engineering. What is last piece, order of approximation in money? It's 1coin (cent, or whatever name, doesn't matter) which we can also call practical "unit value" of money. Missing piece of your boss, which cause him lose "integrity" is that piece, 1coin. Without integrity, with a missing part at an assembly, you know, that assembly won't work properly. In money case, assembly is just a little different than you are used to in the industry. For example, a house with doors, windows, kitchen, etc. is an assembly, mounted to each others. But, its key of house door too is a part of house assembly, but, not mounted to the house, not kept in the lock of door, the key is always kept in the pocket. Another analogy. Electricity "control pen" (voltage tester) is never mounted to an electrical circuit board, even if it is used when working on the board, "control pen" is put back it into the pocket after the work and a professional electrican always keep one "control pen" in his pocket. These (key of house and control pen) are just examples related to "integrity" that can also be called "seperatable integrity" and 1coin in "money assembly" is in the same category. No need to tell all these to all workers there at the moment at onse, leave it to time, they will learn it themselves in time once they have 1coin in their pockets, that will also make them more careful while they are doing works. Yes, there is also a little psychological side/help of this in becoming more careful at work, but, it is not in a bla-bla world, it "1coin" is a concrete item. And, even if its mathematical theory maybe deep like at a professor level, its basic math is also as simple as at an elementry school kid level, like counting numbers starting with 1. Here, as we people at work, our math level related to work safety is "sufficient", it is engineering level of its mathematics of money (its approximation order level is 1cent) is sufficient for our industrial works and its "constancy" mathematically tells us that at least one 1coin has to be kept in pockets, starting especially with workers who are doing more risky works such as electricity, welding, etc... (By the way, equality between people about money holds only and only with 1coin, by having 1coin in all pockets, as it is a constant value, equality cannot be hold with any other amount of money.) Good evening.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2017
  13. ErolGarip

    ErolGarip Active Member

    By the way, I "guess", you're still saying that "hey, erol, 1cent is a small money"...

    You need to get rid of this "built-in" thought in our minds since our childhood.

    Maybe, it is better to repeat what I wrote in a previos post here so that it may clear this false thought in the minds.

    Writing this which is not incorrect

    1cent < 5cent < 10cent < 25cent < 50cent < 100cent (1usd) < ... < 100usd < etc.

    but, in this way:

    1cent... 5cent < 10cent < 25cent < 50cent < 1cent (1usd) < ... < 100usd < etc.

    may give you a hint that tells 1cent is also incomparable with others as it is "constant" while all others are "variables" which can be comparable with each others by saying, for ex, 10cent is small money comparing with 1000000000cents. Yes, this can also be said for 1cent, but, 1cent has another property, a special property that none of others has. 1cent (and equivalents such as 1agora) is constant, alternativeless... That's why we have to keep at least one 1coin "constantly" in our pockets without giving it into the circulation where other moneys circulate as they are items of trade that is also a variable... So, suggestion here is about using constant property of 1coin, immediately readily useful in "work safety"... (Ok, now, I can sleep. Good evening to all other parts of the Earth too.)
  14. CoinCorgi

    CoinCorgi Tell your dog I said hi!

    What's it like to sleep in a padded room? How do you type so much with your arms in a straight jacket? I'm surprised you can get internet in there.
  15. ErolGarip

    ErolGarip Active Member

    Btw, "old" engineer, forgot to say a thing, a warning.

    For some, carrying, for ex, a big bag of wheat is not as heavy as carrying a small piece of 1cent in a small bag, pocket...
    Don't be surprised if you get sourful reactions from some when you attempt to give 1cent... (have a good sleep.)
  16. SchwaVB57

    SchwaVB57 Well-Known Member

    I swear it is Ed Wood under another name!
  17. ErolGarip

    ErolGarip Active Member

    Ed Wood? Who? Hey, Ed, whoever you are, whatever you are, wherever you are, I won't ask these and that what is there, I won't ask if there is toast or not there either, I won't ask what's happening over there either, I'll ask only what's already been happening over here, including, now. (I used correct English? the tense ".. has been verb+ing..." includes also "now", doesn't it?)

    Ok, I "guess" you Ed won't response even with a single word. Actually, we don't need any word from you, just give a 1cent to this guy who said "Erol is another name of Ed." (ok, dear mod., I thank for your service, and, you can change my name Erol to Ed.) Ed, no, you don't have 1cent, either? I don't know how the life over there is, and ok, I won't ask this, either. But, here, people from poors to presidents who call themselves humans who say humans are intelligent creature have many money in their pockets, except, 1cent... It is not much different than saying "I have a bag of wheat, but, I don't have a single wheat grain particle"... (If I were not citizen of this intelligent world, it's a fantastic place to live in.)
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2017
  18. ErolGarip

    ErolGarip Active Member

    Correction of an error in a previous post written yesterday night with sleepy eyes.


    should have been that

    1cent... 5cent < 10cent < 25cent < 50cent < 100cent (1usd) < ... < 100usd < etc.
  19. Truble

    Truble Well-Known Member

    These are ramblings of a madman or his Arabic to English translator is broken. Because these post make absolutely no sense, follow no know form of logic and you clearly do not understand humor. EROLGARIP, Google the name Ed Wood.
    I will say though that trying to understand your English, or mathematically explanation of 1Cent, 2Cent, Red Cent, Blue Cent (Dr. Suess reference) mumbo jumbo is entertaining. I am now ready for your response of, "Dr. Suess, I don't know this Dr. Suess but if he has 1Cent or not....blah, blah, blah"

    I am actually waiting for you to post a picture either wearing a tinfoil hat waiting for Aliens to descend in the Mother Ship, in a group home with people in the background drooling all over themselves with Some in straight jackets or a hermit in a cave near Mt Ararat.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2017
    SchwaVB57 likes this.
  20. ErolGarip

    ErolGarip Active Member

    Again, language... I'm not a linguist, but, as far as I know, Arabic (Semitic) is closer relative to English (Indo-Euro) than to Turkic (Altaic), according to linguists. So, if you smelled some Arabic in my words, you know it better than me as my native lang is a Turkic.

    As for understanding humor, I thought I did some humor in my post that you quoted, may be it was a little from another part of the universe, where maybe Ed too is in. Maybe, my humor was a little deep, how you say, referencing ancient Greeks or Nasreddin Hodja, was a little philosophical humor. If not well understood, it is due to my English. I tried my best to use the English correctly, but, it seems that English itself is not correct. Anyway, this is not a language forum, here is a "garipx" question on a linguistics forum, just started, about "how much money or how many money":

    Maybe, you too will learn your own language, about "money" and "1cent" which is the topic of this thread also as its only form is "coin".
  21. ErolGarip

    ErolGarip Active Member

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