Coin Dominos

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by NPCoin, Sep 17, 2008.

  1. NPCoin

    NPCoin Resident Imbecile

    The wife posted a link earlier to a cent pyramid. I found a better one! ;)

    Here are 10,000 pounds used as coin dominos!

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  3. alpha480v

    alpha480v Senior Member

    Thats awesome!
  4. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    Slow day at the office? Some folks have way too much time on their hands.
  5. Ardatirion

    Ardatirion Où est mon poisson

    Can't do that with presidential dollars. :D
  6. kanga

    kanga 65 Year Collector

    If I recognize the coins correctly, those are 1 pound British coins.
    That was a heck of a lot of money.

    Now what do I do with the rest of the day? :rolleyes:
  7. Tater

    Tater Coin Collector

    wow, way too cool. wish I had that kind of spare time or loose change.
  8. ewomack

    ewomack 魚の下着

    Whoa... you could turn this into a conceptual art project, and apply to the NEH: "I require 3,000 St. Gauden's gold coins to express myself." Oh, I'm SURE this would work... how could it not!!??!? :p
  9. fireguy83

    fireguy83 Member

    thats vert kool video
  10. covert coins

    covert coins Coin Hoarder

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