Coin collections

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by Goldsayshi463, Mar 10, 2020.

  1. Goldsayshi463

    Goldsayshi463 the person who says "hi" all the time

    Show me your coin collections at its greatest!!!!:singing::singing::woot::woot:
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  3. Goldsayshi463

    Goldsayshi463 the person who says "hi" all the time

    Mine at any varied U.S. pennies a few months ago. 8D723B1E-A5EA-4D58-9931-030B1E14FCA3.jpeg
  4. Danomite

    Danomite What do you say uh-huh

    Congrats! Get this cent out before it ruins the rest!
  5. Goldsayshi463

    Goldsayshi463 the person who says "hi" all the time

    O I already put it in quarantine a few weeks ago
    Danomite likes this.
  6. Goldsayshi463

    Goldsayshi463 the person who says "hi" all the time

    And look at this image.jpg
  7. Goldsayshi463

    Goldsayshi463 the person who says "hi" all the time

    image.jpg Sorry for the messy stove
  8. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER

    So, you've shown us the edges. Now, how about showing us the obverse and reverse of each penny by date and mintmark. ~ Chris
  9. MK Ultra

    MK Ultra Well-Known Member

    Do you torture your damaged cents?
  10. Goldsayshi463

    Goldsayshi463 the person who says "hi" all the time

    No I keep all different colored coins in different and separate containers depending on what type of metal corrosion
  11. Goldsayshi463

    Goldsayshi463 the person who says "hi" all the time

    O it would take a few hours I’ll will do it tomorrow
  12. Goldsayshi463

    Goldsayshi463 the person who says "hi" all the time

    Anyway I already sorted them from 1800-1908, 1909-1958, 1959-1982, and 1983-2020.
  13. Mike185

    Mike185 Well-Known Member

    I’m very confused about this thread.....what does a fork being heating up on a stove have to do with “coin collections at it’s greatest”??

  14. Martha Lynn

    Martha Lynn Well-Known Member

  15. tommypski

    tommypski Coinaholic

    Yes, much more interested in where the fork comes into play here??
    Goldsayshi463 likes this.
  16. Goldsayshi463

    Goldsayshi463 the person who says "hi" all the time

    Hehehe it’s to alter the oxidation on coins to turn them into Cu(II)O (black) then to scrape it off with the red hot fork
  17. Goldsayshi463

    Goldsayshi463 the person who says "hi" all the time

    no times 50 to the 1st quote
  18. White Ger. Shep. Lover

    White Ger. Shep. Lover Well-Known Member

    Since we've veered so off course here with the symbolic hot fork reference , I don't mind relaying the news snippet at the bottom of Fox News I'm watching........ Tom Hanks has contracted the Coronavirus.....back on topic now.
    Goldsayshi463 and Mike185 like this.
  19. Mike185

    Mike185 Well-Known Member

    Well the corona virus has made it to to pine bluff here in AR that was a lot fast than the W mint Mark quarters!!! China to PB AR. Go figure!!
  20. White Ger. Shep. Lover

    White Ger. Shep. Lover Well-Known Member

    Baton down the hatches in beautiful Pine Bluff, Mike. We don't want to lose you!

    P.S. Hopefully, your "W" mint quarters didn't end up veering off to China while The Corona was heading Pine Bluff's way. Keep a looking, Mike.
    Mike185 likes this.
  21. Goldsayshi463

    Goldsayshi463 the person who says "hi" all the time

    Hey in a few hours I will post the pennies front and back
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