[CLOSED] Randy & Rob’s “Twelve Days of COINmas”, 2024

Discussion in 'Contests' started by lordmarcovan, Nov 16, 2024.

  1. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

    Randy & Rob’s “Twelve Days of COINmas”, 2024

    Brought to you by @Randy Abercrombie & @lordmarcovan.

    (This contest will be archived as LordM Giveaway #119, though it is a joint effort.)

    Contest status: CLOSED

    Drawings & shipping status: see round summary below.

    Note: this will be a rather long contest consisting of twelve random drawings. Please take a moment to read the introduction below. There are a series of handy links at the bottom of this introductory post that you can use to see where we are in the contest, and hop to the latest ongoing round. You may join in at any time.


    Hello, everyone, and welcome to our holiday giveaway. Just like last year and the year before, we will be revisiting the "Twelve Days of COINmas" theme, meaning there will be twelve rounds and twelve drawings for twelve prize lots.

    This year, I would like to thank my donor partner, @Randy Abercrombie.

    The game "days" (rounds) will happen with random drawings every 2-4 days or so, between Thanksgiving and Christmas, with perhaps an occasional pause in between.

    To enter: go to the round summary below to view the most recent announcement and see what's in play. Want the lot that's up for grabs? Just say you want it, then post something else coin-related or cheerful. You can enter on someone else's behalf if you don't want a lot for yourself. Simply name the person you'd like to receive it.

    The drawings will be held in twelve rounds, with one drawing every 2-4 days or so, depending on @lordmarcovan's schedule. Just check the round summary or the most recent posts to see what's in play and where we are in the contest.

    Totally free: the contest is free of charge, open to everyone, with free worldwide shipping. The only obligation is that we ask that if you win, please post to this thread later, when you have received the prize, so that we'll know you got it (that helps us keep track).

    Good luck!

    Numismatic regards,

    ~Randy Abercrombie
    ~Robertson ("Rob") Shinnick




    Round 1- CLOSED
    Prize announcement
    Drawing: @CoinCorgi won
    Winner's receipt

    Round 2- CLOSED
    Prize announcement
    Drawing: @masterswimmer won for @Abramthegreat
    Shipped: 9 December 2024
    Winner's receipt

    Round 3- CLOSED
    Prize announcement
    Drawing: @APX78 won
    Shipped: 9 December 2024
    Winner's receipt

    Round 4- CLOSED
    Prize announcement
    Drawing: @Abramthegreat won for @masterswimmer
    Shipped: 12 December 2024
    Winner's receipt

    Round 5- CLOSED
    Prize announcement
    Drawing: @Sting 60 won for @BuffaloHunter

    Shipped: 14 December 2024
    Winner's receipt

    Round 6- CLOSED
    Prize announcement
    Drawing: @Abramthegreat won for @SensibleSal66
    Shipped: 16 December 2024
    Winner's receipt

    Round 7- CLOSED
    Prize announcement
    Drawing: @Abramthegreat won for @meandyou4ever0
    Shipped: 18 December 2024
    Winner's receipt

    Round 8- CLOSED
    Prize announcement
    Drawing: @INDE1977 won
    Shipped: 18 December 2024- *LOST IN MAIL*
    Replacement prize shipped: 5 February 2025
    Winner's receipt: pending

    Round 9- CLOSED
    Prize announcement
    Drawing: @mrbadexample won
    Shipped: 20 December 2024
    Winner's receipt

    Round 10- CLOSED
    Prize announcement
    Drawing: @mrbadexample won (again!)
    Shipped: 26 December 2024
    Winner's receipt

    Round 11- CLOSED
    Prize announcement
    Drawing: @Eric Babula won
    Shipped: 26 December 2024

    Winner's receipt

    Round 12- CLOSED
    Prize announcement
    Drawing: @JoshuaP won

    Shipped: 26 December 2024
    Winner's receipt


    The "spokescritters" for this contest are Randy's dog (Sophie), and Rob's cat (Bean).

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  3. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

    @Randy Abercrombie will be donating and shipping the prizes for the odd-numbered rounds (#1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11).

    I will be donating and shipping the prizes for the even-numbered rounds (#2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12).

    I will be handling the drawings for all the rounds, using a random number generator, as usual. We will try to have a drawing every 2-4 days, as mentioned above.

    In each of the rounds there will be a declared prize you’ll get to view in advance, but to add to the fun, each prize lot will also include a mystery element, consisting of some additional coins.

    I’m looking forward to this year’s contest. See you after Thanksgiving! :)
  4. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

    Just two days left until we begin! :)

    Randy and I are prepackaging our prize lots. I happen to know that in addition to the declared prizes you will see announced, the “mystery” portion of at least some of his lots will include an ancient coin, and not the usual small late-Roman kind, either! But that’s all I’m gonna say.

    For my part, I have ensured that each “mystery” portion of my own lots will include several coins- perhaps 5-6 or so- with at least a small bit of silver in each lot.

    I hope our winners will report back on the “mystery” elements, when they get their prize packages. I’m looking forward to seeing what everybody gets. I’ve already pre-sealed my packages and partially forgotten what “mystery” items are within, so I’ll be in suspense myself!
  5. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

    Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! The holiday season is here!

    I sincerely hope you will all have the opportunity to celebrate with the people in your lives.

    I’m at work, doing graveyard shift as usual. Let me catch up on my office chores, then I’ll unlock this thread and we can get this thing going! :)
  6. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

    Ready? Let's go! :)


    @Randy Abercrombie gave to thee...

    Two $1 Federal Reserve "star" notes (Series 1995 and 2017)...


    Two old Red Seal $5 United States notes (Series 1953 and 1963)...


    ... and a 2020-W Tallgrass Prairie quarter
    (from the West Point Mint, with the "V75" privy mark commemorating the 75th anniversary of the victory in WW2).



    There will also be some additional "mystery prize" items.

    To enter this round, all you need to do is:

    1. Say that you want this lot, and
    2. post something else coin-related or cheerful.

    Then, sometime in the next 2-4 days (depending on my schedule), we'll do the drawing and move on to the next round.

    You may of course say you want it for someone else, if you name that person.

    Round summary in Post #1.

    Kasia, Abramthegreat, expat and 4 others like this.
  7. Inspector43

    Inspector43 More than 75 Years Active Collecting Supporter

    I want this lot. Here are 2 $5 bills redeemable in Gold.
    Sting 60, fretboard, expat and 5 others like this.
  8. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

    I would like to remind everyone that my Giveaway #118 is still open as of this post. We will draw the winner for that one on or after December 1st, so get your entry in if you haven’t already.

    This contest should run up until Christmas, as mentioned.
  9. Jersey magic man

    Jersey magic man Supporter! Supporter

    I want this lot. Just barely made it as an error note
    Sting 60, Chris B, expat and 4 others like this.
  10. dwhiz

    dwhiz Collector Supporter

    I want this lot Flowing Hair Stella MS 70 1a-horz.jpg
    Sting 60, fretboard, expat and 3 others like this.
  11. Randy Abercrombie

    Randy Abercrombie Supporter! Supporter

    You would appreciate this lot @Inspector43 ….. “This was my “found in circulation” lot.
  12. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

    Wow, you've kept a sharp eye out. I have never gotten a "W" quarter in change, but I seldom use coins in commerce anymore, and pay little attention to them when I do. (Old Guy eyesight, y'know.)

    I've gotten a star note $1 occasionally, but the last time I found an old $5 was a Series 1934 FRN I found in my hotel cashier drawer about a decade ago.
  13. Inspector43

    Inspector43 More than 75 Years Active Collecting Supporter

    I'm sure I will if I win it.
  14. Inspector43

    Inspector43 More than 75 Years Active Collecting Supporter

    I have one W quarter. I found it in circulation. The population of W quarters is very low. Just luck with me.
  15. Randy Abercrombie

    Randy Abercrombie Supporter! Supporter

    I too have come to use a card far more often but do try to use cash at every opportunity. I still feel like a giddy pre-teen when a wheat cent turns up in my change.
  16. masterswimmer

    masterswimmer A Caretaker, can't take it with me

    I'd like to be in for this lot.

    I have never found a 'W' coin in circulation, yet I live about 25 miles from the West Point Mint.

    20240529_210639.jpg 20240529_210826.jpg

    Thank you, Randy and Rob for your generous giveaways. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.
  17. LakeEffect

    LakeEffect Average Circulated

    I want in on this one, only because I've never seen a W quarter, let alone found one, and I do look :) Thank you, guys, very generous. Apropos of today's date, here's the first classic commem I ever acquired...
    Pilgrim_OBV.jpg Pilgrim_REV.jpg
    Sting 60, dwhiz, expat and 3 others like this.
  18. Inspector43

    Inspector43 More than 75 Years Active Collecting Supporter

    I have been using a card for many years simply because it is the trend. I, and many others in our community, are moving back to cash and checks. Most of the local retailers are now charging 3% on card purchases. I had some repairs to my car and my wife dropped me off to pick it up. I wanted to pay with a card. The manager told me to take the car and go home. Come back tomorrow with a check. It saved a bunch of money.
  19. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

    Face value?

    Randy not only found a “W” quarter, but also a “V75”! I mean, how cool is that? He got his investment back a hundredfold on that deal! :greedy:
  20. beaver96

    beaver96 Supporter! Supporter

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone, I would like into this contest. I have just started watching my currency and this will jump start my paper collection. Thanks Randy and LordM.
  21. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

    Think I’m gonna let this Round 1 in our contest run for four full days.

    That syncs with my schedule, since I won’t be back to work (and on a real computer) until Monday night, meaning the first drawing should take place very early Tuesday AM.

    (Creating the all hyperlinks and stuff is far easier to do with an actual keyboard and mouse than it is with my phone.)

    That also gives everyone a little extra time to find us and join in, without missing too much of R1.
    dwhiz, expat and Randy Abercrombie like this.
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