[CLOSED] Last person to post in this forum wins.....

Discussion in 'Contests' started by ob3rst1337, Dec 20, 2018.


Who will not run out of coins and win the ultimate prize

  1. Ob3rst1337

    2 vote(s)
  2. someone else

    15 vote(s)
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  1. Hookman

    Hookman Well-Known Member

    Ha, It's not that easy !
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  3. jonathan layne

    jonathan layne Well-Known Member

  4. Prez2

    Prez2 Well-Known Member

    I've got several boxes, jars, rolls and miscellaneous piles all over. Does this mean I'm in?
  5. jonathan layne

    jonathan layne Well-Known Member

    yeetus to yeetus
  6. jonathan layne

    jonathan layne Well-Known Member

    deletus the pieces
  7. Prez2

    Prez2 Well-Known Member

    I'm confused.
  8. jonathan layne

    jonathan layne Well-Known Member

    that is the whole point
  9. Prez2

    Prez2 Well-Known Member

    Good. Glad I'm able to comply.
  10. schepys_coins

    schepys_coins Eric's Best Friend

    I don't even know why I post on this form any more.
  11. desertgem

    desertgem Senior Errer Collecktor Supporter

    I have temporarily locked this thread, as it appears the original poster is not paying attention, and there is no indication a prize may be forthcoming so until he does. Jim
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