[CLOSED] Expat's Holiday & New Year Giveaway, 2024/5

Discussion in 'Contests' started by lordmarcovan, Dec 1, 2024.


Generally speaking, what would you like to see as the $40-50 USD prize for this contest?

Poll closed Dec 23, 2024.
  1. An Ancient coin (specify type if you want to)

  2. A Medieval coin (specify type if you want to)

  3. A World coin (specify type if you want to)

  4. A United States coin (specify type if you want to)

  5. A silver bullion coin (specify World or US)

  6. A proof or mint set (specify World or US)

  7. An interesting bulk lot of many coins

  8. Exonumia (a nice token or medal)

    0 vote(s)
  9. A piece of paper currency (specify World or US)

  10. Other (specify below)

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  1. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

    Expat's Holiday & New Year Giveaway, 2024/5

    Contest status: CLOSED
    Drawing: 01 January 2025
    Winner: @meandyou4ever0
    Shipped: 7 January 2025
    Delivered: 10 January 2025
    Winner's notice of receipt: 19 January 2025

    Spanish seaside rainbow pic, by @expat. Maybe there's a pot of gold out there.

    @expat wanted to do a giveaway, but due to the laws in his country of residence (Spain, which has rather draconian export restrictions on coins), he has enlisted me to help with logistics. He has sent me $50 USD and deputized me to purchase a prize for this contest.

    We decided to go with the "mystery prize" concept, like I used in my own Giveaway #99 , back in August of 2023.

    This means that at the start of this contest, nobody, not even @expat himself - nor I - none of us- yet knows what that prize will be!

    I, your master of ceremonies, am to shop for the most interesting or appealing coin prize that I can find within that price range. The final decision will be up to @expat and me, but you get to make general suggestions on what you would like to see in a $50-ish prize, and I will take those suggestions into account when shopping.

    The prize will be revealed later in the contest, after I have bought it, but before the random drawing.

    ***Update, Dec. 22*** we have decided to leave the final prize choice up to the winner. See the announcement in Post #53.

    To enter: Just mention some things you might like to see as a $40-50 prize, broadly speaking. (Remember that I have to set aside a little bit of the $50 for shipping costs.) Would you like to see a US coin? A proof set? A nice World coin? Something old? Modern? Silver? Ancient? Exonumia? Just throw out some general ideas. Of course none of us know what I will actually find when I go shopping online, but in the meantime, it will be fun to see what ideas you have.

    The drawing will be done via random number generator, sometime on or after January 1st, 2025. The timing will depend on my schedule. You may consider the contest open for entries until such time as I have posted the final result of the drawing.

    Totally free: the contest is free of charge, open to everyone, with free worldwide shipping. The only further requirement is that if you win...

    Please post a receipt in this thread after you get the prize, so we'll know you got it (that helps us keep track).

    Oh- and be sure to thank @expat.

    This contest is brought to you by Smartie, @expat's cat.

    Last edited: Feb 8, 2025
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  3. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

    Since @expat likes ancient coins- as do I- and I'm going to be doing some of my own shopping for nice <$50 ancients for my own giveaways soon, that might be the first thing I look at. But as mentioned in the intro above, I will be reading your suggestions as to what sort of thing might make a good prize.
  4. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

    This contest is now open! :)
  5. Timewarp

    Timewarp Intrepid Traveler

    Thanks @expat and lordmarcovan for the contest. I voted for Medieval coin. I'm not sure how many here collect them, but I don't have one. It would be a nice addition to my collection.
  6. Mr. Numismatist

    Mr. Numismatist Strawberry Token Enthusiast

    expat and lordmarcovan like this.
  7. Bill in Burl

    Bill in Burl Collector

    Thanks, Expat (as I am now), for the contest. I would like a Canada Victoria 1800's large cent.
    INDE1977, expat and lordmarcovan like this.
  8. Abramthegreat

    Abramthegreat Well-Known Member

    I think something certified 19th century would be really cool. Thanks @expat for the giveaway, and @lordmarcovan for hosting it!
    expat and lordmarcovan like this.
  9. Jersey magic man

    Jersey magic man Supporter! Supporter

    How about an error coin or two. There must be more error collectors out there besides me.
  10. Kasia

    Kasia Got my learning hat on

    I voted for Medieval because I'm lazy today, and that choice was one of the few I didn't have to expound on. So...
    Timewarp, expat and lordmarcovan like this.
  11. NonFloreatExxon

    NonFloreatExxon New Member

    Thanks, @expat and lordmarcovan! I think some 16th-century jetons with very interesting designs can be found in that price range. (And that's the sort of thing I've been reading about lately).
    expat and lordmarcovan like this.
  12. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

    I’m liking all the suggestions so far. I’m sure @expat will enjoy watching all this play out, as well.
  13. masterswimmer

    masterswimmer A Caretaker, can't take it with me

    @expat and @lordmarcovan thank you both for your generosity.

    I'm liking not just a US proof set, but a 1958 proof set. It includes the last wheatie cent, a Franklin half, and silver. It falls into the price range stipulation.

    Good luck to all. And happy holidays to everyone.
    expat and lordmarcovan like this.
  14. INDE1977

    INDE1977 Well-Known Member

    I second this idea
    lordmarcovan and Kasia like this.
  15. expat

    expat Remember you are unique, just like everyone else Supporter

    Keep your choices coming folks. A wonderful selection so far. I am really enjoying this
    SensibleSal66 and lordmarcovan like this.
  16. SensibleSal66

    SensibleSal66 U.S Casual Collector / Error Collector

    I'm in! I'd like to see a Standing Liberty Quarter as a prize or an Error coin. :)
    Nothing special just not to "slick" please... :nailbiting:;)
    expat and lordmarcovan like this.
  17. JoshuaP

    JoshuaP Supporter! Supporter

    I would like to enter. I voted for "Ancient Coins." I find Byzantine coins very interesting. I don't have any, but my dad has a couple.
    expat and lordmarcovan like this.
  18. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

    Well, I do have the following lots on the way soon, for my own giveaway goodies… ;)

    IMG_4497.jpeg IMG_4688.jpeg IMG_4689.jpeg 75466577658__34368BE8-7F46-4C3B-BAE4-C875D7319871.jpeg

    But Sal, don’t get too excited about those SLQs just yet. They’re just your average low-grade (though dated) examples. I have them earmarked for coworker Christmas gifts. (Each coworker will get a SLQ, a Hershey bar, and a couple of $1 lottery scratchoff tickets.) When I do add a SLQ to the Giveaway store, I intend for it to be a little better than these.

    And @JoshuaP - that Byzantine is also a bit cheaper than I want for my contests (I try to stay in the $25-50 range for prizes, usually, and this is a <$20 coin… maybe even <$10.)
  19. nerosmyfavorite68

    nerosmyfavorite68 Well-Known Member

    That sounds very nice, and thank you, lordmarcovan, for all of your very generous giveaways.

    I already did some coincidental detective work. I had briefly wanted to sign up for Secret Santa here, and decided not to, since my budget would have been c. $50-70, due to Christmas and an unfortunate amount of bills which come due on December. David Connors has some very decent sub-$50 coins, although most of those are Byzantine or Roman provincials. I have a go-to European dealer, but with the $20 shipping, the $50 would be more like $70. I've been mining some of the latter's coins in my recent buys.
    SensibleSal66 likes this.
  20. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

    I shop David Connors’ inventory quite often, and bought three coins from his store last night, to add to my future giveaway goodies. Steve McBride of Incitatus Coins on VCoins is also another good source of reasonably priced ancients.

    If memory serves, David Connors includes a printed flip with the attribution for most coins, while in the past Steve at Incitatus did not, rather shipping them in unmarked flips. At least that was my experience in the past. I think the printed flips are a nice touch.

    I also like Ephesus Numismatics (bought four future giveaway prizes from them just last night), and Marc Breitsprecher.
  21. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

    You’re welcome, but note that this giveaway is @expat ’s doing. I am merely the master of ceremonies and designated prize shopper for this one.
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