Cleaning Coins With An Orbital Sander

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by TheCoinGeezer, Feb 4, 2012.

  1. Owle

    Owle Junior Member

    People for the Ethical Treatment of Coins (PETC); or the ASPCC. Maybe we could get some female stars to pose naked like PETA does to draw attention to these crimes against our coins.
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  3. Tyler G.

    Tyler G. Active Member

    Y'all do know someone is going to come on here and take all this seriously, right?
  4. jloring

    jloring Senior Citizen

    I don't know about that... maybe Uncle Eddie would:

  5. Kasia

    Kasia Got my learning hat on

  6. Fall Guy

    Fall Guy Active Member

  7. Numis-addict

    Numis-addict Addicted to coins

    I could have sworn that in some other thread, maybe the rock tumbler one, that you used your neighbor's belt sander!
  8. Numis-addict

    Numis-addict Addicted to coins

    One of the people at my local pawn shop found a weird looking dime in change once. It had the wrong color and wrong design. She took it to the owner of the pawn shop, who collects, and it was a (pause for suspense)

    1/10 ounce gold eagle! True story
  9. Numis-addict

    Numis-addict Addicted to coins

    I think that would make it shiny. Bob had a very shiny coin, and if you ever saw it you would even say it glows (radioactively)
  10. Numis-addict

    Numis-addict Addicted to coins

    Yeah, but the pesky government and stuff always get in the way, you have to wait weeks before you can get the coin back!
  11. Numis-addict

    Numis-addict Addicted to coins

    considering that I take up the whole last page so far, I am feeling like the late idiot trying to take in all that's been said at once.
  12. wheatydigger

    wheatydigger Member

    don't feel bad, we won't think you're and idiot as long as you don't try any of these techniques that we showed.
  13. moneyer12

    moneyer12 i just love UK coins.......

    i've heard that bombardment with anti-matter is much better.
  14. Mark14

    Mark14 Star Wide Receiver

    well if you are screwing around with just circulated crap coinage, put the copper in vinegar for a while, take them out and they are hella shiny :p
  15. phdunay

    phdunay Member

    I prefer to use the classic "run it over with an 18 wheeler" approch
  16. Numis-addict

    Numis-addict Addicted to coins

    Yeah, but antimatter is much too expensive. Plus, it is too reactive and can not be stored. But man, it makes them coins shine like a fire! I have heard sodium and water in a container makes them shine. The chemicals may be off, but I heard about the reaction because my teacher was telling us about how their chemistry teacher said constantly not to put the sodium in the sink because of the hydrogen particles in the water. The person who became the teacher and their partner went to the sink and swept the stuff in, and a fireball came up from the sink and singed their eyebrows. Sounds fun, right?
  17. wheatydigger

    wheatydigger Member

    Who's up for a trip to Switzerland?:D
  18. Mark14

    Mark14 Star Wide Receiver

    my bags are packed!
  19. zach24

    zach24 DNSO 7070 71 pct complete

    I thought you were going to say it was a penny.
  20. wheatydigger

    wheatydigger Member

    PFFFTTT!! sodium? I heard that cesium and francium in water make coins sparke and shine like a fireworks display!
  21. Numis-addict

    Numis-addict Addicted to coins

    That would be the perfect climax. It was (pause for suspense) A penny! lol. However, it's possible. Imagine some random guy from the public reading this. The best idea would be to dip a copper coin in vinegar for a bit, sand it down, take it to a particle accelerate, go to a nuclear plant, drop some anti-matter on it, and then properly dispose of the bio hazard/chemical weapon. Who wants to test it?
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