Claudius of Antioch, Sestertius

Discussion in 'Ancient Coins' started by icerain, Oct 8, 2017.

  1. icerain

    icerain Mastir spellyr

    I'm always on the lookout for interesting coins. And since getting into Roman coins, I've been looking to add to my Sestertius collection. Wont be saying too much about the coin since its common and many know about it already.

    Syria, Seleucis and Piera
    Antiochia ad Oronte
    98-99 A.D.
    AE26.6 / 12.6g
    O: AVTOKP KAIC NEP TPAIANOC CEB ΓEPM ∆AK Laureate head right
    R: Large S C, H below, all in wreath
    BMC 279

    Its also my 1st coin with a countermark, I think. If anyone knows more about the countermark feel free to chime in. And of course feel free to share anything of interest.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2017
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  3. ro1974

    ro1974 Well-Known Member

    nice countermark/ looks like a butterfly _DSC5072.JPG

    Augustus helios countermark/ sestertius

    Early Augustan Sestertius: Radiate head of Helios r.; std. lunar deity with crescent above head
    Also referred to as a 'nailed helmet'. Sometimes this 'radiate' head is found struck twice on examples of Augustan sestertii and, occasionally, it is found paired with this standing lunar diety. This latter type should make the 'Helios' designation of the other countermark a certainty. Countermark Martini Pangerl Collection 65.
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2017
  4. ro1974

    ro1974 Well-Known Member

    did is not claudius
  5. ro1974

    ro1974 Well-Known Member

    i see trajan
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  6. ro1974

    ro1974 Well-Known Member

    claudius 3670378.jpg
    Deacon Ray and Curtisimo like this.
  7. ro1974

    ro1974 Well-Known Member

    your coin is trajan
  8. ro1974

    ro1974 Well-Known Member

    mounth head letters i see trajan

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Oct 8, 2017
    Severus Alexander and Bing like this.
  9. chrsmat71

    chrsmat71 I LIKE TURTLES!

    Neat countermark on an already cool coin!

    Here is my last countermark coin...


    Philadelphia. Pseudo-autonomous issue. Time of Titus, 79-81 CE

    O: Demeter, countermark (male head?), R: grain, 19 mm, 7.0 g
  10. Bing

    Bing Illegitimi non carborundum Supporter

    @ro1974 seems to be correct. Trajan!
    GerardV likes this.
  11. randygeki

    randygeki Coin Collector

    Yeah looks like Trajan. Still neat though
  12. icerain

    icerain Mastir spellyr

    Thanks, hope the info is correct now. Your eyes are better than mine, was staring at the letters for hours and couldn't make it out.
  13. GerardV

    GerardV Well-Known Member

    That seems to be the lot in life for newbie ancient collectors!
  14. Jwt708

    Jwt708 Well-Known Member

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