Cherrypickers' Guide & Bowers Series

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by Dima, Apr 1, 2024.

  1. Dima

    Dima Member

    Came across this article about Cherrypickers' Guide 6th edition, volume 2 being for sale as of a few weeks ago. I believe no coin collection is complete without books and previous attempts to find earlier editions of this guide proved a bit tricky for me, so I jumped on it.

    While on Whitman's site, I decided to check out sale items and scored 2x of my favorite Bowers series books at $5 each! Definitely couldn't pass those up.

    And lastly, quick Google search yielded a bonus $5 promo code -- A1N6A -- certainly no complaints there :D
    longarm, gronnh20, Mr.Q and 1 other person like this.
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  3. Mr.Q

    Mr.Q Well-Known Member

    Good for you. My dad used to advise me, "When in doubt, read."
  4. longarm

    longarm Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the link, I have the 5th edition, so I guess it's time to upgrade.
    Cheech9712 likes this.
  5. messydesk

    messydesk Well-Known Member

    You'll have to keep your 5th edition Vol 2, because 6.2 only goes up to quarters.
  6. longarm

    longarm Well-Known Member

  7. Mr.Q

    Mr.Q Well-Known Member

    I also purchased the 6th edition. Going through it now. Thanks for the added sites, I will check them out.
  8. Dima

    Dima Member

  9. messydesk

    messydesk Well-Known Member

    I had a conversation with John Feigenbaum last week. Among other things we chatted about, CPG 6.3 is coming out this summer.
  10. Barney McRae

    Barney McRae Supporter! Supporter

    Dima likes this.
  11. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

    These are great books. I have 5 edition vol 1 and ll, and the 6th edition vol l.
    Dima likes this.
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