Cheap gold coins

Discussion in 'World Coins' started by AncientRomeCoin, Apr 4, 2011.

  1. AncientRomeCoin

    AncientRomeCoin New Member

    does anyone know where I can buy a cheap Ancient gold coin for under 50 bucks because I am only 13 and I do not have a lot of money but I love coins.
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  3. Mat

    Mat Ancient Coincoholic

    No gold coin, especially ancient, is that cheap. If thats was the case all of us would be rolling in gold ;)
  4. Coinguy56

    Coinguy56 Member

    I'm not big on Ancient coins, but no Gold coin is going to run under $50. With Gold at $1,400+ an ounce, it's still going to be pretty expensive to get even a small Gold coin.
  5. Gao

    Gao Member

    Like the guys above said, gold is well out of your price range. You can, however, get plenty of silver coins, if that makes you feel any better.
  6. AncientRomeCoin

    AncientRomeCoin New Member

    wow i would like silver just as much as gold
  7. Gao

    Gao Member

    Well you're in luck then. Go to VCoins, put in your price range, and search for something like "denarius" and you'll find plenty. For reference, a denarius is usually about the size of a dime. You should also keep in mind that "fouree" refers to a type of ancient counterfeit where they would use a base metal core and cover it with a thin layer of silver, so any coin with that in the description won't have more than a thin surface layer of silver (and sometimes that's even gone). Another type of affordable coin that often comes in silver is the antoninianus. They're a little larger than denarii, but from the mid third century onwards, they barely had any silver in them, so not everything that turns up when you search for "antoninianus" will be silver. If you want one of those in silver, it might be better to search for emperors that issued then in silver. Gordian III (just search for "gordian" to find his antoniniani) is probably the most affordable out of these emperors, and his denarii and antoniniani are around 50% silver or so.
  8. AncientRomeCoin

    AncientRomeCoin New Member

    Wow thank you you have given me a lot of advice lately and I thank you for that this website is great thank you
  9. Gao

    Gao Member

    Oh, if you're interested in getting coins of famous historical figures, try looking up "Nero tetradrachm" on VCoins. You'll find a lot of Alexandrian tetradrachms, silver coins that were used in Egypt from the time of the Ptolemies through around 300 AD, depicting the most famous of tyrants. These contained less and less silver over time, with pretty much no silver by the last issues, but they were still around 25% silver during the reign of Nero if I remember correctly.
  10. medoraman

    medoraman Supporter! Supporter

    Like others have said, ancient gold hasn't been $50 for a while, though I did get a Byzantine gold in EF on Ebay a couple of years ago for $100. That was a major, "how the heck was I the only bidder" moment not soon to be repeated. Its not the gold, its the desirability and rarity that makes them expensive. If you really wanted a gold coin, I think about the cheapest would be a mexican two peso coins from the 40's.

    If you like silver, there is a slew of coins in that price range, sometimes even a nice Roman Republican coin. Lots of choices. I find Ebay a decent place for these kinds of coins, you can always PM one of us here if you are worried about a specific auction.

    I would look at maybe specializing in copper, since they are more affordable and will give you the chance to own many more coins, and many more emperors. Also, there is a much wider field of ancients than just Roman coins. Ancient Greek coins has probably more types than Roman, and are more diverse. Byzantines made coins for almost 1000 years, (they were the eastern Romans). China made billions of coins, and you can get authentic 2000 year old Chinese coins for a dollar or two.

    The availability is endless. Look around and ask all of the questions you wish.

  11. Ripley

    Ripley Senior Member

    Well there are those 1/20 th of an ounce gold coins from Isle of Mann and Australia, I think these specs are going for 50-60 dollars. they are 1/2 the size of a dime, so don't sneeze or you will lose it.
  12. -jeffB

    -jeffB Greshams LEO Supporter

    If you can find me a place that's selling 1/20 oz of gold for $50-60, I'll buy all they've got. :)
  13. rdwarrior

    rdwarrior Junior Member

  14. dougsmit

    dougsmit Member

    There is a 17-18th century group of Indian gold coins called Fanams that are usually about 6mm diameter and weigh 0.3 grams. That is smaller than most people would want and the designs are simple lines and dots so they strike me as not worth more than their gold content.

    The cheapest Roman silver would be from the Severan period where denarii can be $20 in very ordinary condition. Perhaps you would prefer the slightly later double denarius called antoninianus (search vcoins on that term) which were decent looking silver coins (nickel size) during the reigns of Gordian III, Philip and Trajan Decius. For $50 you can get a half decent one. Later rulers debased the silver so much that the coins rarely look silver be careful what you order.

    The cheapest silver coins before 1000 AD are probably the Shahi jitals of the bull and horseman type from what is now Afghanistan and Pakistan. Cheap ones can be pretty ugly but nice is often less than $30.

    A dealer I have mentioned to you before has bulk lot Greek silver from about 500 BC for $39.50 but these tend to be a bit crude, too.

    Silver denarii that are rather worn can be found cheaply and often look as good as bronze coins because their surfaces can be smoother. It is all a matter of opinion as to what is worth owning. For $50 you can get a super nice bronze of Constantine the Great, a moderate silver of several different 3rd century rulers no one studies until college or a speck of Indian gold that is easier to lose than it is to see.
  15. ikandiggit

    ikandiggit Currency Error Collector

  16. jcakcoin

    jcakcoin New Member

    The words cheap and gold don't go together
  17. Ripley

    Ripley Senior Member

    And on not forget the tiny gold fractionals from California Territory. But these microbits go for $300 to a $1,000 each.
  18. Ripley

    Ripley Senior Member

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