Calling WLH Specialists

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by Eric Babula, Jan 24, 2025.

  1. Eric Babula

    Eric Babula Well-Known Member

    I'm in the process of cataloging my collection, and I'm on WLH's that I've had for decades, now. I have 59 of the Date/MM Set (in G-4 to maybe EF-40, many cleaned, so nothing special).

    I have to admit that I am not a WLH expert by any means.

    I've tried to look up what are the Key Dates and Semi-Key Dates, but am finding that the sources are all over the place with what's what. I even found this thread on CT from a few years ago: But, I'm just as lost as ever. In lower grades (say VF-30 and lower), are the 21-PDS the only Keys? Would Semi-Keys include: 16-P/D/S, 17-D/S (incl. Obv and Rev), 18-D, 19-P/D/S, 23-S, and 38-D? Would you eliminate any of that? Add others?

    Is there a definitive source that explains WLH Key and Semi-Key Dates/MMs?

    On the PLUS side, I glanced at the Cherrypicker's Guide (4th ed.), and on the first page of WLH's it mentions a few varieties, including missing designer's initials on a 1945-P. To my surprise, I did find this one! Sorry about the bad pics - quick shots with the phone. Notice - NO designer's initials on the reverse - the other five I have DO have the initials. So, that was fun! I'm thinking maybe VF-30. Thoughts?
    20250124_104155.jpg 20250124_104250.jpg
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  3. Treashunt

    Treashunt The Other Frank

    yup, looks like it missing the initials
    Eric Babula likes this.
  4. samclemens3991

    samclemens3991 Well-Known Member

    Not my series but i would say there is enough dress lines and foot detail for a VF but don't know enough to be specific. James
    Eric Babula likes this.
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