Cabinet tone is not a priority for me, buuuuut....

Discussion in 'Ancient Coins' started by John Anthony, Oct 28, 2016.

  1. John Anthony

    John Anthony Ultracrepidarian

    That desk is beautiful, with the old Underwood typewriter and rotary phone. I love little nooks of antiques like that.
    stevex6 likes this.
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  3. stevex6

    stevex6 Random Mayhem

    Thanks JA ... yah, I love that look too (my house is full of that kind of stuff)

    Ummm, what about that sweet iron wine rack? (that is really one of my favourite and most used pieces of furniture!) ... it holds 70 bottles of wine (one week's supply!!) .... *rats* .... ironically, it's lookin' pretty empty in this photo :oops:

    => time to go to the liquor store!!


    IMG_3541.JPG IMG_3538.JPG IMG_3539.JPG IMG_3540.JPG
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2017
    zumbly, icerain, Ajax and 6 others like this.
  4. Alegandron

    Alegandron "ΤΩΙ ΚΡΑΤΙΣΤΩΙ..." ΜΕΓΑΣ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΣ, June 323 BCE

    Love the decor of your home. Nice!
    stevex6 likes this.
  5. Jwt708

    Jwt708 Well-Known Member

    Nice @stevex6 ! Think I need a liquor cabinet for my new house...
    stevex6 likes this.
  6. John Anthony

    John Anthony Ultracrepidarian

    I never get tired of seeing your coins, but I never get tired of seeing your house either - you and your wife are marvelous interior decorators!
    stevex6 likes this.
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