Buying Coins From The TV(CSN, HSN, etc)

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by CoinCollector15, Jan 17, 2009.

  1. rszivek

    rszivek New Member

    I called CSN and was truly intrigued. I however know how coin grading works and know that for a coin to have a gem brilliant grade it needs to come from the PGCS or NGC. I called, asked who graded the coins and got the runaround of my life. The person on the phone had no idea, their supervisor had no idea, then I was transferred to "customer support" and at this point I had no prayer of getting a human on the phone, Whoever is reading this, I am truly glad that you are intelligent enough to research your investment. That's what precious coins are, an investment. If you buy from CSN, You get what you deserve, that's nothing for several hundred dollars.... I rarely want to beat the s*it out of someone, they are an exception to the rule....

    Buy from your local coin shop that has been in business for a while. If you do by a graded coin from the PGCS or NGC, before you buy, get the serial number of the grading. Then, call them. Give them the serial number and they will tell you, free of charge, if the grading is accurate. If it is accurate you know what you're buying. Please don't be a sucker, we need to eliminate companies like CSN.
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  3. ikandiggit

    ikandiggit Currency Error Collector

    You'll never eliminate these guys. They are marketing pros and their job is to move product and make profit. It makes no difference to them whether it's perfume, clothing or coins. It's all the same to them.
  4. rodeoclown

    rodeoclown Dodging Bulls

    Yup and all companies who create a product to sell are in it for one thing, money. They'll do whatever it takes to increase sales of their product. It's just that simple. They don't care who's buying it, as long as the check clears, that's what matters most. :)
  5. Bazz

    Bazz Member

    I thought of another less obvious but so important reason to bypass these big QVC shows. Our coin store owners are the real engines that run our hobby. If the coin collecting industry fell through the floor next week QVC would be hawking Cory Everson barbells in that time slot the next night. Meanwhile the small businesses are as into this hobby as much or more than we are.

    As is the case with just about any industry coin collecting has fallen under the spell of a Walmart, big box store buying experience. People forget that the small businesses such as these coin stores help our economy so much more than anything else. I pay extra to use people that not only know their business and do it with superior quality but that contribute back to our community. It's just so important.
  6. BUncirculated

    BUncirculated Well-Known Member

    If you're okay with the gold plated, or colorized(usually from a color sticker afixed to one side or the other), by all means buy away.

    However, I would recommend flushing the money down the loo as the result is the same.
  7. tonedcoins

    tonedcoins New Member

  8. mitch25

    mitch25 New Member

    sheesh this thread is old, i was 2 when this came out....
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