A coin hoard, attributed to the Boudicca revolt in AD 60-61, was discovered in 2022 in Raynham, Norfolk. The hoard, which consists of 23 silver coins depicting the “Norfolk God” type of the Iceni, has now been researched and catalogued. Silver coin hoard "hidden at Fakenham during Boudicca's revolt" (bbc.com) A local museum hopes to acquire the hoard (hopefully for display).
I hope the museum doesn't get the hoard. Too many times small museums get coins and they are stolen and are melted. Truly rare coins lost. Let the museum bid for the coins along with collectors. Better in collectors collections where they are appreciated than the melting pot.
Women like that back then. Stoic and formidable. Women like that now? I meet them every so often at the mall returning something. Don't wanna cross these women.........