Batten down the hatches... The waters are about to get rough

Discussion in 'Bullion Investing' started by Brett_in_Sacto, Nov 1, 2016.

  1. treehugger

    treehugger Well-Known Member

    Is it Northern Ultra-Soft?
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  3. Rono

    Rono Senior Member


    Well said. Gold is a lot of different things to a lot of different people for a lot of different reasons. To many people, it is an asset and they treat it as such. Doesn't really matter much what any one person thinks or believes, it's what all the other folks around the world think and believe.

    Indeed, if a lot of people believe a lie to be the truth and act accordingly, it might as well be the truth.

    If you're going to figure out gold and silver at all, you have to get beyond the aura and magic and emotion and just watch the market - Captain Price, if you will. He'll tell you all you need to know.


  4. desertgem

    desertgem Senior Errer Collecktor Supporter

    Watch the political speeches people! Thanks. Please do not cause the thread to be closed by continuing them.
  5. MrOrange1970

    MrOrange1970 Active Member

    I got my first spanking. Funny part was that I only said what I thought would happen were either candidate elected and the similarities between what happened in Britain this summer. I didn't even express an opinion on whom I wanted to win; only that markets and prognosticators tend to have knee jerk reactions that often are without merit.
    Apologies to Desertgem, but yanking my post was in my opinion short sighted as it was nothing resembling a political speech.
  6. MrOrange1970

    MrOrange1970 Active Member

    Wait I did mention Zombie invasion. Rest assured, I'm not voting for the zombie party. :)
  7. Clawcoins

    Clawcoins Damaging Coins Daily

    Nope, the bright metal is climbing again today.

    But, just in case, I just silver soldered the hatches closed here.
  8. V. Kurt Bellman

    V. Kurt Bellman Yes, I'm blunt! Get over your "feeeeelings".

    I'll say this again here, even though I've posted it elsewhere before: I am not a fan (not at ALL) of @desertgem's skills as a moderator. In fact, I find his decisions not ONLY wrong, but often downright inexplicable under any rational thought process. That said, he has been given, by the site owner, this near god-like power to declare things that are NOT political, to BE political, often after another moderator has allowed them for days. The standard he seems to use is extraction from a lower dorsal orifice. In short, he makes it up, and he has an especially over-sensitive hair-trigger for the politics rule. Post accordingly.
    slackaction1 likes this.
  9. medoraman

    medoraman Supporter! Supporter

    Sorry, but I disagree vigorously. The PM section has a nasty habit of very quickly escalating into political debates, which serve no one. Being an unpaid moderator is a thankless task, one which the rest of us do not appreciate enough. To throw stones at volunteer moderators to me is simply uncalled for. CONSTRUCTIVE feedback I am sure is always welcome, but talking about "extraction from a lower dorsal orifice", (some of us are quite literate and it reads the same way whether in vulgar terms or fancied up), is simply not appropriate IMHO.

    Look at the flame wars of most in the internet if you wish to see the most likely alternative to CT.
    chrisild likes this.
  10. TommyP

    TommyP BS detector

    Cottonelle-Green label. Soft but firm (and most footage per roll too, honestly. Check it out. 593 feet last check)
  11. desertgem

    desertgem Senior Errer Collecktor Supporter

    Kurt, the posts I pulled are in the 'removed file' and Peter and Doug can view them whenever they please. The rules are very specific about the major violation areas. I understand why you do wish to post political statements in the bullion section as the combination hits your 'sweet spot'. Have a good day.
  12. V. Kurt Bellman

    V. Kurt Bellman Yes, I'm blunt! Get over your "feeeeelings".


    Not only do I disagree with you on your judgment calls, and I most certainly do, but I also disagree that the rules and the application thereof are at all clear, nor is the judgment being applied to enforce them in any way transparent. They in essence boil down to, "Because Jim says so", and that will NEVER be sufficient for me. You have a good day too.
  13. MrOrange1970

    MrOrange1970 Active Member

    I will agree that being a moderator has to be a thankless job and I have no desire to have anyone review my original post or whatnot. I appreciate the work moderators do to keep the boards from being rife with arguments.

    That said; as a professional and educated person, getting a message with the text "Read the Rules!" tends to raise my ire.

    I will reiterate that nothing I posted espoused any political affiliation. I was raised to not argue politics or religion as these are topics that never end well unless everyone agrees (good luck with that).

    It was the tone of desertgems personal message to me that I found insulting. Maybe I need a thicker skin but I feel that if one is given the power of moderator, they could at least be polite if they feel something posted not within the rules. I treat others on this board with utmost respect and only expect the same in return, even if one is in disagreement.

    Anyway, that's it. Nothing more to say.
    V. Kurt Bellman likes this.
  14. V. Kurt Bellman

    V. Kurt Bellman Yes, I'm blunt! Get over your "feeeeelings".

    @MrOrange1970 is ABSOLUTELY CORRECT! Furthermore, the method of removal, including removing the alleged transgression from the access of the alleged transgressor, so he might "review the bidding" to see where he might (or might not) have gone astray, is fundamentally unfair and not helpful.

    In short, SHOW ME WHAT I SAID THAT IS A PROBLEM, OR LEAVE IT UP. Don't hide it from me. That's only reasonable, isn't it?

    I'll also note that ONLY Jim has EVER taken down one of my posts - no other moderator EVER. And he EVEN has taken down posts from threads in which other moderators actively participated. There's something wrong here, and I don't think it's me.

    @medoraman is spot on in one way. The PM section is awash is this problem. Why? Because the decision to be a PM hoarder is itself an intensely political decision, which is why most systems don't have Bullion sections. Informative? Would be to me. Jus' sayin'.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2016
  15. desertgem

    desertgem Senior Errer Collecktor Supporter

    Mr. Orange, I did not write any personal message to you. The software automatically sends it to you. I do not know who originally wrote the script, but it wasn't me, but ALL infraction notifications from ALL moderators have the same wording.

    Kurt, Again , it is automatic. Any time a message is changed, from the original posting by the author, the software records and further changes by a moderator or even the original poster. Thus moderators nor the original poster can deny as many posters do what was said, either they forget ( evidently you also as you do not seem to remember) or they type so fast and don't think their message through.

    The forum has few moderators( how many can you name Kurt? ), several are outside the US and maybe do not follow politics in the US, and they are spread over several timezones. We all have outside employment or interests, so a thread may change from OK to remove over a period of time before a moderator checks back, so a mod posting somewhere in the thread is no indication of Approval onward.

    Sorry about your apparent memory problems Kirk, but many people who type like they probably talk seem to forget what they say immediately :)
  16. V. Kurt Bellman

    V. Kurt Bellman Yes, I'm blunt! Get over your "feeeeelings".

    Is this a quiz?

    Matt Dinger from Indy
    Chris from Germany
    Peter T himself, on rare occasion
    B'sides you, those are the only ones I've encountered. Probably one or two more.

    How'm I doin'?

    Point is, Jim, I pretty much couldn't have done any national political advocacy on here, because I have NO BLESSED IDEA who I'm gonna vote for at the top of ticket. My heart says one, my head, the other.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2016
  17. medoraman

    medoraman Supporter! Supporter

    I understand sir. The PM section was created, if I remember correctly, specifically to isolate such posts from the rest of CT. I very much agree many wish to buy PM based upon their political outlook, yet that is not why all of us own pm. I buy it because I love it and use it as another form of investment class. It does not HAVE to be a political decision.

    I am not a prepper, a believer in hyper inflation, I do not believe the charts people post saying "the dollar has lost 9x amount of its purchasing power since Y", (intentionally misleading and uninformative, place expected returns of $1 invested in Y date and you will basically say the dollar in purchasing power has probably gone UP), etc. However, I read their opinions and voice where I am wrong. If you do not understand WHY you disagree with someone else's opinion its not a valid position to believe IMHO.

    However, I have simply seen 500 posts at a minimum very quickly devolve into partisan bickering which serves no one. Jim probably has the hardest moderator duty on CT. He must be a narcissist to volunteer to try to keep the PM board on track and away from politics. As such, to do so as a volunteer he should be given due respect and admiration for his volunteering to help all of us. You were/are involved in the ANA right Kurt? Doesn't this respect for volunteers ring a bell? I respect equally all members who also perform a service to the hobby this way as well.
  18. V. Kurt Bellman

    V. Kurt Bellman Yes, I'm blunt! Get over your "feeeeelings".

    I still am currently a National Volunteer for the ANA, you are correct. I am, and EXPECT TO BE, subject to criticism and correction when I am fulfilling that role. In fact, I have had the experience of having been complained about by an ANA convention attendee. Both the ANA and I took the matter seriously, as we should. It was found I was operating as the ANA desired me to be. I don't live in a world in which I expect not to be questioned. I fear NO objective fair process, EVER.

    Look, @medoraman, I too own PM's, by accident of a sort. I am working on completing several sets, and some of them are MADE of PM's. One, ASE's, were even created to BE PM's as their raison d'etre. But here's my departure: I'd STILL be collecting them if they were made of tin, or aluminum, or grunge "white metal". I don't care in the least what they're made of. I only care what their air-to-metal intersections look like.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2016
  19. medoraman

    medoraman Supporter! Supporter

    I would suspect sir Peter, just like the ANA Board, has looked at his moderators and has found them to operating as he desires them to. I suspect he is on here more than shown, as mods have some "tricks".

    If anyone has a disagreement with a mod, I imagine they could reach out to Peter, the site owner. Everyone here is subject to his desires on how to run the site.

    Btw, I buy pm not to complete sets, but because I find it pretty. Probably the largest percentage by weight of silver would be WL halves, and of gold St Gauden and Mexican 50 peso pieces. I just think they are pretty, and having 5-10% of a portfolio in PM is not a bad risk mitigator.
  20. -jeffB

    -jeffB Greshams LEO Supporter

    Well, that seems like one plausible explanation for why people get all worked up about hearing from the mods.

    If I got a message worded like that, I'd be a bit offended, too. And if I found out that someone had hard-coded that as an automatic response, I'd put on my Professional Human-Computer Interaction Practitioner cap and strongly recommend that they modify it.
  21. V. Kurt Bellman

    V. Kurt Bellman Yes, I'm blunt! Get over your "feeeeelings".

    LOL!! I consider my PM holdings a risk MAGNIFIER, as I believe any analysis over the long haul, BUT WITHIN MY ADULT LIFETIME, would confirm. Yes, I have done well for myself, but ONLY by buying PM's when "everybody" was disparaging them, and selling them when "everybody" was saying they're going to the moon.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2016
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