bargai bin byzantines

Discussion in 'Ancient Coins' started by chrsmat71, Jan 29, 2013.

  1. chrsmat71

    chrsmat71 I LIKE TURTLES!

    picked up a couple of bargain bin byzantine anonymous class a christ follises (folli? what’s the plural?) this one has been cut…


    this one I cleaned up quite a bit….





    maybe double struck on the back?
    improved but that hard green stuff will NOT come off, i quit when I noticed I was starting to scratch the coin.

    an anything be done about this, or am I done working on it (as I suspect)?
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  3. dougsmit

    dougsmit Member

    Folles - Class A2? I would stop cleaning.
  4. Bing

    Bing Illegitimi non carborundum Supporter

    Bargain bin? Good deals. I especially like coin 3. Are you able to ID/attribute any further?
  5. chrsmat71

    chrsmat71 I LIKE TURTLES!

    follES, got it. i thought it was time to stop...but that green stuff will drive me crazy! :eek: oh well, the face looks great.

    as far as i can tell they are all a2 folles,
    Basil II and Constantine VIII Class A2 anonymous follis 976-1028 Constantinople SB 1813

    the seller said one of the coins was a class a3 constantine the viii, but i can't figure out if its one of thse two or not....i can't tell the difference on good coins!
  6. dougsmit

    dougsmit Member

    It is a size thing. A1 are smaller and often oval 7g. A2 are very large 15g+ mostly but you have to allow for wear on poor coins. A3 are in the middle 9-10g.
  7. chrsmat71

    chrsmat71 I LIKE TURTLES!

    oh, ok, then that would be the first one then....certainly smaller....thanks DS.
  8. Bing

    Bing Illegitimi non carborundum Supporter

    I was wondering about that. Thanks
  9. Ancientnoob

    Ancientnoob Money Changer

    I have been looking at Byzantine coins, I would also like to add a few to my collection. Great thread!
  10. Mat

    Mat Ancient Coincoholic

    I am looking at byzantines more too. I might get a few this year just to get my feet wet. No rush though.
  11. ziggy9


    If you don't mind me asking, what was the bargain bin price?
  12. Ancientnoob

    Ancientnoob Money Changer

    I really want one of the Large Jesus' in high grade. All the ones I can find in my price range are nice but lack the facial details to some degree. I'd love to see what you get.
  13. Mat

    Mat Ancient Coincoholic

    Thats cause that area was the first part to get worn :/
  14. chrsmat71

    chrsmat71 I LIKE TURTLES!

    yeah, the ones with nice facial features are usually out of my price range, the one above is actaully pretty darn good (minus the hideus green encrustation). the ones i purchased were about 7 bucks each (uncleaned).
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