Barbaric Imitation ?

Discussion in 'Ancient Coins' started by matheus, Dec 7, 2024.

  1. matheus

    matheus New Member

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  3. GinoLR

    GinoLR Well-Known Member

    C'est quoi ce bordel ?
    Broucheion likes this.
  4. philologus_1

    philologus_1 Supporter! Supporter

    For fear of a barbaric virus most people (y compris moi) will never click on a link like that. :-o

    Broucheion likes this.
  5. matheus

    matheus New Member

    I sincerely apologize if the link appears to be a virus, it would never be my intention to post something like that here. I wasn't able to attach the photos
    before, but now I can able.


    philologus_1 likes this.
  6. Victor_Clark

    Victor_Clark all my best friends are dead Romans Dealer

    Your coin looks like an official mint product...Constans (FL IVL CONSTANS AVG) from the Trier mint.
    GinoLR and philologus_1 like this.
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