Attribution Help

Discussion in 'Ancient Coins' started by WDF, May 27, 2017.

  1. WDF

    WDF Its all about history

    Been trying to attribute this coin for hours with no luck. I'm beginning to think barbarous.
    Antoninus Pius, silver mule, 3.40 g, 15.4 mm
    obverse: DIVVS ANTON
    Reverse: PONTIF....11

    Good silver, any ideas? The green glow is from my glass.
    20170527_204242_resized.jpg 20170527_204231_resized.jpg
    dlhill132, Parthicus, TIF and 6 others like this.
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  3. dougsmit

    dougsmit Member

  4. WDF

    WDF Its all about history

    Thanks Doug, coins like this can really throw you off track. This coin had to be made at least 48 - 50 years after Ant. Pius's rule.
  5. Roman Collector

    Roman Collector Well-Known Member

    All of the coins officially issued by Marcus Aurelius in honor of Divus Antoninus Pius have CONSECRATIO or DIVO PIO reverses. Interesting mule.
    WDF and Okidoki like this.
  6. Pellinore

    Pellinore Well-Known Member

    Nice barbarous piece. I have a few comparable coins that were found in Southern Russia, just above Ukraine.
    WDF likes this.
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