At Last!

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by green18, Mar 20, 2023.

  1. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    No, not Etta James, but this........
    DSC_6758.JPG DSC_6760.JPG

    Carvers complete!

    T'nx for lookin'. :)

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  3. lardan

    lardan Supporter! Supporter

    Nice. Did you get it from the dealer you had a thread on earlier?
    Randy Abercrombie and green18 like this.
  4. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    Indeed I did. :)
    Randy Abercrombie likes this.
  5. fretboard

    fretboard Defender of Old Coinage!

    Nice, great song as well! ;)
    green18 likes this.
  6. Jaybot

    Jaybot Active Member

    Beautiful coin, can't beat the early commemorative halves as far as design goes.
    Nice buy!
    green18 likes this.
  7. CoinCorgi

    CoinCorgi Tell your dog I said hi!

    Well done sir.
    green18 likes this.
  8. Mountain Man

    Mountain Man Well-Known Member

    Now we expect a post with a photo of each one. LOL

    Nice job.
    green18 likes this.
  9. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    Just so happens........:)

  10. Mountain Man

    Mountain Man Well-Known Member

    No, I meant all 12 of them. The were minted 1951 to 1954 at all three mints.
  11. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    Tall Paul likes this.
  12. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    How dat? :)
    Tall Paul likes this.
  13. Mountain Man

    Mountain Man Well-Known Member

    Dat be good, my man.
    Even though . . . I'm still adding a few to my collection. I don't have set, but just trying to get one of each as an example.
    Tall Paul and green18 like this.
  14. Mountain Man

    Mountain Man Well-Known Member

    By the way, I'd be happy to take that pesky 1951 S MS66 off your hands. Hate the imbalance with just one being higher than all of the others. LOL
    Tall Paul and green18 like this.
  15. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

  16. Tall Paul

    Tall Paul Well-Known Member

    I notice that both the Booker T and the Carver/Washington are tough to find with clean cheeks. Most of them look like the celebrants have five o'clock shadow and finding clean ones is a challenge. It's a similar challenge with Morgan and Peace dollars to find ones with clean cheeks.

    Beautiful registry set Green.
    green18 likes this.
  17. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    Thanks Paul. :)
    Larry (ldhair) explained it rather well in post #24 on this thread...

    Bookers Finally Complete! | Page 2 | Coin Talk

    I'd often wondered why there was so much chatter on the obverse, yet the reverse is nearly pristine.
    Tall Paul likes this.
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