Aside From Coins, Do You Have Any Other Hobbies?

Discussion in 'Ancient Coins' started by Aethelred, Jan 28, 2017.

  1. Curtis

    Curtis Well-Known Member

    Boxing. Here was a fight at the Chicago Golden Gloves semifinals many years back. I'm the guy in red getting beaten. Only shows rounds 1-2. The other guy won the tournament and became a pretty good pro fighter for a while:

    Now I teach. Mostly older people (I don't want to actually be responsible for fighters who get in the ring). Here's my mom working the mitts in the garage when the gym was shut down during the pandemic. She's good (especially for being ... well, born in the mid-20th century):
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  3. Croatian Coin Collector

    Croatian Coin Collector Supporter! Supporter

    Lucky you:), unfortunately when I was a little kid in the early 1990s, you couldn't buy Voltron, Saber Rider, etc. toys in Croatia. :(
    paddyman98 likes this.
  4. KevinM

    KevinM Well-Known Member

    Well I made this for the Wife she wanted something beside the recliner it's made of Maple/Sapele.The design is my own and it never hit paper once it just poured out of the head.The dimensions and piece count are all inspired by numbers of God.The second piece again no plans all mortise/tenon but I absolutely hated the piece....I hate stain and I could of selected a better grain for the front of the draw makes it look crooked and it's not.I gave it away was going to sell but like I said...:yack: woodwork 001.JPG


    panzerman, Noah Worke, Bing and 3 others like this.
  5. KevinM

    KevinM Well-Known Member

    My other Hobby taking up alot of my time of late is model building.This build will probably take 1-2years it's a 1/200 scale of the Kriegesmarine Scharnhorst that brings her in right @4 feet in length.The wood I am going to use for the base will be Paduka with a roman along the edge. scharnhorst 001.JPG scharnhorst 005.JPG
  6. panzerman

    panzerman Well-Known Member

    I also have signed WW2 art prints. One is signed by ace of aces Major Erich Hartmann 352 victories on Eastern Front 1943-45. Another Adolf Galland 106 kills/ Walter Krupinski 197 kills. IMG_1876.JPG IMG_1875.JPG IMG_1874.JPG
  7. KevinM

    KevinM Well-Known Member

    I think these maybe some Taylor prints?his stuff commanded some serious dollars even in the 90's.
    panzerman likes this.
  8. panzerman

    panzerman Well-Known Member

    Yes, Nicholas Trudjian/ Taylor!
    Most of these brave soldiers are now in Heaven. I think only 1 Knight's Cross receipient is alive. For luftwaffe aces/ many with over 200 confirmed kills were not awarded Diamonds. Gerhard Barkhorn 302 kills only got Swords/ buddy Hartmann 352 got Diamonds/ the third man Günther Rall 276 only swords. JG-52 scored 12000+ kills vs Russians lost 325 of theirs. Not the "Hogan's Heros" luftwaffe. Three best fighter aces in history/ records wil never be broken.
    Hartmann 352 Barkhorn 302
    Rall 276 f11365def50a09a1e7c341827d676f4d.jpg 975066b_lg.jpeg
    Evan8, The Meat man, KevinM and 2 others like this.
  9. KevinM

    KevinM Well-Known Member

    Didn't Hartman live on well into the 1980's doing interviews on TV and such?I have seen bits and pieces it was a high scoring ace very interesting/gentleman.;)
    panzerman likes this.
  10. panzerman

    panzerman Well-Known Member

    Yes, Erich Hartmann will be the true, "Top Gun" in history of aerial warfare. He was never shot down by enemy fire. He scored 352 confirmed kills on Eastern Front. His best friend Gerd Barkhorn was second highest with 302 kills. Some rate Heinz Bár 220 victories/ 120 Western front/ rest Eastern/ 16 in Me-262 jet, just as high. Turns out Kurt Welter/ nightfighter ace, scored 33 kills flying Me-262 equipped with radar/ dubbed the "mosquito killer" He scored 63 victories at night. There are always what ifs? Had Werner Mólders 102 kills not have been killed in a flying mishap in 1941/ he was first too break 100 mark. Hans Joachim Marseilles JG-27 "Star of Afrika" scored 159 vs RAF/ USSAF pilots/ died when engine caught fire/ parachute mishap in 1943/ he may have beaten 352 mark? One Finnish ace scored 94 kills vs Russians. Finland was Germanys best ally.
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