Are Your Coins Safe In Your Home Safe?

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by Hobo, Apr 11, 2012.

  1. medoraman

    medoraman Well-Known Member

    Good point. I wonder what conditions my coins in a SDB will be. Should I put dessicant in the box, or do they usually control for humidity?
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  3. Leadfoot

    Leadfoot there is no spoon

    Easily handled with air-tight containers, desiccants, and regular checkups -- and the challenge is really no different at home.
  4. mrbrklyn

    mrbrklyn New Member

    the object, i suppose, it to keep someone from being defensive and to tell them stand on their feet. Your a grown up. If you think that your post had value, you don't need me to justify it :) So don't pout. I didn't pout when you disagreed with me.Not even when someone took pot shots at my watch parrot.
  5. mrbrklyn

    mrbrklyn New Member

    can you do that with slabs?
  6. mrbrklyn

    mrbrklyn New Member

    The thing is at home generally you have temperature and humidity control.

    my hand hurts from all this typing :(
  7. medoraman

    medoraman Well-Known Member

    Just saying, Ruben, that the means of communicating in NYC, (maybe Jersey, Philly, and possibly Boston), is different than the rest of the country. What seems normal is seen as brusque and rude. Conversely, you see posts from other areas of the country as passive and weak.

    I can handle posting with you man, just need to put my NYC attitude on. :)
  8. mrbrklyn

    mrbrklyn New Member

    Trust me. People from other parts of the country are equally rude. They just do it differently.
  9. mrbrklyn

    mrbrklyn New Member

    is this enough thread drift now or should we continue ;)
  10. medoraman

    medoraman Well-Known Member

    Does anyone have experience with the kinds of conditions in expect in SDBs. Before I only kept junk in them, but now have decent coins. I know it will depend on the physical location, but it is a business right so you would expect heat and cooling to be within normal parameters, right? What is your experience with moisture levels? I am asking since sometimes at home if I was not running the AC, (live in a forest by a lake), the humidity would really climb and I had to change the dessicant often. Should I expect the same in a SDB in the summer?
  11. Merc Crazy

    Merc Crazy Bumbling numismatic fool

    I've not had any issues with the coins in my SDB, but they've only been there for what? 9 months now or so.
  12. GDJMSP

    GDJMSP Numismatist Moderator

    Absolutely !

    Depends, some do and some don't. But I've built several banks that have humidifiers in them specifically for the safety deposit box areas. They do this because paper gets too dried out and deteriorates if the humidity is not kept up.
  13. Melonsmash3r

    Melonsmash3r Coin Hoarder

    That's really interesting, most people would think it's great and safe to keep all your coins and valuables in a safe, but thieves can get into anything. The best thing you can do it have a safe bolted or attached to your house or keeping all your valuables in a bank's safe, your allowed to and it's free. Thanks for sharing!
  14. medoraman

    medoraman Well-Known Member

    You must have a really nice bank. My large SDB runs me $125 a year. :(
  15. Melonsmash3r

    Melonsmash3r Coin Hoarder

    Oh wow, that's pretty pricey, which bank is it? I use Wachovia.
  16. mrbrklyn

    mrbrklyn New Member

    how much is that in ebay fees? Just flip them a cleaned bust half every year and tell them they should be happy with that.
  17. Melonsmash3r

    Melonsmash3r Coin Hoarder

    Oh wow, that's pretty pricey, which bank is it? I use Wachovia
  18. Hobo

    Hobo Squirrel Hater

    I will allow it for now. (Note: I am not a judge. I learned that line from watching Perry Mason.)
  19. mrbrklyn

    mrbrklyn New Member

    Eh - i won't comment, its not my call
  20. mrbrklyn

    mrbrklyn New Member

    That is like my favorite show when i was 7. That and Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea.
  21. tonedcoins

    tonedcoins New Member

    Thank god my coins are save because the only ones I have are the ones in my pocket change :)
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