Are you going to the FUN SHOW in January?

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by ldhair, Oct 13, 2024.

  1. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

    That thought did dawn on me.
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  3. Eric Babula

    Eric Babula Well-Known Member

    Wish I could be there! Would love to meet some of you people, some day!
    SensibleSal66 and lordmarcovan like this.
  4. ldhair

    ldhair Clean Supporter

    Yesterday was crazy. I believe many dealers had a hard time getting here.
    @ToughCOINS was all setup and busy when I got there.

    I had a hard time getting my early bird pass that I paid for months ago. The young man behind the counter did not have a clue what he was doing. He wanted proof I had paid my dues and the fee for the pass and refused to help me.
    There was a list right in front of him that showed who had already paid and he did not even know what the list was for.

    Today is going to be a FUN day.
  5. SensibleSal66

    SensibleSal66 U.S Casual Collector / Error Collector

    Well. "Good help is hard to find". Ain't that the truth? ;)
    Barney McRae and mkivtt like this.
  6. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

    I fully intend to do another long show report, with live updates from the floor, as I did from the 2023 show. It will be fun.

    @Randy Abercrombie and I will arrive in Orlando on Friday (wow- tomorrow!), but I do not yet know how much we’ll attend on Friday. Expect a full report from me on Saturday, and we will probably spend at least a half day on Sunday.

    CoinTalkers who see me- come up and say hi! Let me take your picture.

    I’ll likely have my Holey Coin Hat on. upload_2025-1-9_12-39-27.png

  7. ldhair

    ldhair Clean Supporter

    I have not seen Mr Franklin this year. His desk was empty. I did chat with Mr Lincoln at the hotel. Be was getting on the bus going to the show.
    Both of these guys are really cool. They play the part very well.
  8. SensibleSal66

    SensibleSal66 U.S Casual Collector / Error Collector

    Ben Franklin is a very busy guy. I think that @dwhiz knows his where abouts. thumb.gif
    Gobrecht Grave marking Unvailing Ben & I.jpg
    lordmarcovan and Eric Babula like this.
  9. Publius2

    Publius2 Well-Known Member

    Busy day on Thursday. I was on the floor at 8:30 and left at 5:30. Still busy. Found a R6 half dime and a 1882 nickel in PF-67 that I liked. So many even in that grade are a little hazy.

    Today, I'm sitting waiting for the JRCS club meeting to start.
  10. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

  11. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

  12. bikergeek

    bikergeek Well-Known Member

    Look forward to seeing what half dime it is (especially if it's a capped bust and not one of those "modern" Seated coins). Sorry to miss the fun of FUN this year!
    Randy Abercrombie likes this.
  13. ToughCOINS

    ToughCOINS Dealer Member Moderator

    I was pleased to see Rob & meet Randy (Lord Marcovan & Randy Abercrombie), see Larry (LDHair) & meet Ed (Publius2) there. I stopped by twice to say hello to Skip (Insider), but he was obviously busy both times. I forgot to stop by and introduce myself, @messydesk, but I'm sure my time will come . . . another FUN Show, no doubt. I also ventured over to introduce myself to Evan Saltis at Wayne Herndon's space. Evan has done quite well to help manage Wayne's office.

    I stayed in a hotel that had recently changed its name to the Orlando Inn, apparently to distance itself from a poor reputation . . . not recommended to anyone. Time spent there was kept to an absolute minimum.

    The first few days were bright and sunny, but on the cold side . . . never got to wear the shorts I brought. Still, at day's end good meals easily compensated for for chilly walks back. It rained just a little, and very lightly Friday morning, and then turned into an incredibly nice day / evening.

    Food was generally much more expensive than in the past, but there were some exceptions to be found. On the bourse one is a captive audience, and the food offered by the concessions there was incredibly expensive . . . you could easily spend $25 pp for lunch. Pretty much every morning I bought a Subway sandwich for lunch on my way to Denny's for breakfast (Denny's is walking distance to the CC, but many might find Subway too far to be worth the effort).

    The crowds were quite good . . . Gangbusters first thing Thursday and brisk all day long, while slow-starting and ever increasing both Friday and Saturday. As usual, lots of great coins to see, but careful selection is the order of the day . . . always has been, and always will be.

    I observed no reluctance to spend money on nice coins that were fairly priced within the bounds of their quality for the grade. I only came back with a modest handful of newps from the show, and will publish those alongside some grading returns and other recent acquisitions.

    FUN is always my favorite show of the year!

    Time to do the dreaded book work . . .

    Last edited: Jan 12, 2025
  14. Publius2

    Publius2 Well-Known Member

    Missed seeing you this year @bikergeek. Yes, the half dimes were CB, not LS. They are 1832 LM-10.2 PCGS G-06 R-6 from Brad Karoleff and 1830 LM-5 PCGS F-12 R-6 from Chris Matthews. I also picked up the elusive 1835 LM-5.1 PCGS XF Details/Cleaned but a decent looking coin. As you know, this marriage has an official R-3 rarity but there's been talk recently that it might be an R-5. Anyway, got it cheap.

    Also picked up 1832 LM-2, NGC AU-58, a nice toned upgrade to the XF-45 in the set. And finally, 1833 LM-3.2 NGC MS-64 R-2. Didn't have this one and it's a pretty toned coin. Did not get this one cheap despite negotiating a better price.

    A pretty good bust half dime show overall. Dealers told me bust halves were flying out of the cases.

    I was also looking for colonial and pre-federal coinage and except for NJs and CTs, there was a very noticeable dearth of material on the bourse floor.

    And couldn't find but one high-end (65 or better with great strike and great surfaces) Flying Eagle cent but the dealer and I couldn't see eye-to-eye. This is one of those coins I am unwilling to buy at auction from photos.

    Spent some time with Mike of @ToughCOINS who I'd not previously met. Very nice and knowledgeable.
  15. bikergeek

    bikergeek Well-Known Member

    Congrats on picking up some tricky (re)marriages and nice toners! I talk a lot about the 1832 LM-10.x remarriages (LM-1 thru LM-4, which gets a huge cud) being tuff, and they truly are. But that 1830 LM-5 marriage is hard to find in high grades, and I should probably just say "hard to find" at all.
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