anyone have dip because I have chips 2018 Roosevelt

Discussion in 'Error Coins' started by eric6794, Jun 4, 2023.

  1. eric6794

    eric6794 Well-Known Member

    I really don't look for error coins anymore due to declining health but on occasions I will throw some change under the scope just to see what I come across, found this dime with comparatively large die chips on the reverse so I thought I'd share. I have a question about die chips aka interior die breaks are they typical of the die in the first stages of breaking down or are die cracks the first sign or for that matter or are they both? kinda like the chicken and the egg. I would think die cracks would be the beginning of a failed die but I'm definitely no expert. WIN_20230604_19_45_54_Pro.jpg WIN_20230604_19_46_03_Pro (2).jpg WIN_20230604_19_46_29_Pro.jpg
    dwhiz and paddyman98 like this.
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