Another mass run seller has been around since 2022 or thereabouts

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by 1953, Jan 1, 2025.

  1. 1953

    1953 Active Member


    Everything is super gem, outrageous, unbelievable, Mega Rare, Super rare, Super blazer, etc.
    They sell coins toned but not slabbed by three MCGS, the blast white light to show toning on slabbed coins and other lighting some look like a penlight are excessive.
    I remember, when I first saw them 2.5 years ago they were using a lot of coins from cannibalized mint and proof sets.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2025
    GoldFinger1969 and Jeffjay like this.
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  3. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    Sounds like a dealer I can and will avoid.
  4. Joel Turner

    Joel Turner Active Member Supporter

    There is also discussion about them on Reddit. Look at their feedback on the Bay
  5. LakeEffect

    LakeEffect Average Circulated

    What's a mass run seller?
    Kentucky and -jeffB like this.
  6. Jeffjay

    Jeffjay Well-Known Member

    I've searched and searched on eBay and if there is a way to block individual sellers I haven't figured out how.
  7. -jeffB

    -jeffB Greshams LEO Supporter

    No way to "block" sellers, but under the Advanced Search options there's a way to say "include all sellers except the ones on this list." At least, there was the last time I looked.
    ddddd likes this.
  8. ddddd

    ddddd Member

    It still works.

    You have to go to advanced search, scroll down until you see "Sellers" and fill in that section before searching:

    -jeffB likes this.
  9. Kentucky

    Kentucky Supporter! Supporter

  10. mrweaseluv

    mrweaseluv Supporter! Supporter

    Auction Kings been around longer then that.. but yes they doctor photos to make every morgan they sell look PL and worse.. Nope not a seller I would trust for any purchase...
  11. PlanoSteve

    PlanoSteve Well-Known Member

    Auction Kings, seems I remember a TV show by that name (Discovery or History channel) out of Georgia, Atlanta I you suppose it's the same group? Unlike Pawn Stars, I don't remember them dealing in any coins; they were mostly an antiques & auction show.
  12. Joel Turner

    Joel Turner Active Member Supporter

    Also, do a search on Youtube and on Yelp for more infor on the dealer.
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