Another FM Allstar:1976FM Barbados $10 Matte Uncirculated

Discussion in 'World Coins' started by 7Jags, Jan 25, 2025.

  1. 7Jags

    7Jags Well-Known Member

    I rather like this design IMHO attractive in matte and original Mintage of 250 - and NOT released in any sets:

    E91781FF-024A-4AA1-8592-9CA128BB7A1C.jpeg E8E1C12E-019F-42C5-8543-8D13E5C48284.jpeg
    Mister T, Chris B, mkivtt and 3 others like this.
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  3. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

    What's the size and weight? It's a neat design.
  4. mkivtt

    mkivtt Well-Known Member

    Beautiful coin! Where did you pick it up?
  5. 7Jags

    7Jags Well-Known Member

    42 mm in diameter and 32.84 gms. Copper nickel composition. These were sent to the Central Bank and just what happened disposition wise is not clear with these.
  6. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

    Nice design, yes, though generally matte finish doesn't do a whole lot for me. Nice low mintage, though I imagine demand is also pretty low?
  7. 7Jags

    7Jags Well-Known Member

    LOL, yes I think that is correct - low demand. Some years are devilishly hard to locate in uncirculated, esp. those versions not in sets for Barbados and some of the other Caribbean countries. Try finding matte Jamaica 10 dollars from 1975-77. I have only seen in over 40 years one each of the 75 & 77 and NEVER a 1976 despite what amounts to a full court press (thanks for term from basketball!) during that time interval by me in the search.
    lordmarcovan likes this.
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