Another Five-Cent Friday! Post Yours As Well...

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by SensibleSal66, Dec 6, 2024.

  1. SensibleSal66

    SensibleSal66 U.S Casual Collector / Error Collector

    [​IMG] Hello All! [​IMG]
    Welcome to " Another Five-Cent Friday!". [​IMG]
    Post your Nickels as Well.....
    Here are a few of my repeats. [​IMG]
    Hoping all your Xmas wishes will come true! :joyful:
    OBV1963Nickel-tile.jpg IMG_20230301_032745362.jpg 1963Obv-tile.jpg
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  3. ldhair

    ldhair Clean Supporter

  4. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

  5. Inspector43

    Inspector43 More than 75 Years Active Collecting Supporter

    1941 S Large and Small Mint Marks
    Jeff 1941 S Lg and Sm OBV.jpg Jeff 1941 S Lg and Sm.jpg
    green18, SensibleSal66, Neal and 2 others like this.
  6. numist

    numist Member Supporter

  7. Jersey magic man

    Jersey magic man Supporter! Supporter

  8. paddyman98

    paddyman98 I'm a professional expert in specializing! Supporter

    From my collection..
    SensibleSal66 and expat like this.
  9. expat

    expat Remember you are unique, just like everyone else Supporter

  10. No_Ragrets

    No_Ragrets Self-proclaimed Semi-Amateur Numismatist Supporter

    It's been posted before, but just got word a little bit ago from Howard at SNV that this is a newly-discovered (to him at least) and freshly listed RPD for 1866 (S1-3023), the 23rd unique RPD for that year. And with lathe lines on the obverse, too. 1866 Shield 5C Obv 52MP(resized).jpg 1866 Shield 5C Rev 52MP(1)(resized).jpg 1866 5C Obv 52MP Zoomed Shield Lathe Line(resized).jpg 1866 5C Obv 52MP Zoomed Date(resized).jpg 1866 5C Obv 52MP Zoomed Date(1)(Resized).jpg
  11. David Betts

    David Betts Elle Mae Clampett cruising with Dad

    Best- Best I have!! 1916 Buf rare.jpg Paid $1100 years back but really wanted it
    SensibleSal66, expat and Neal like this.
  12. Neal

    Neal Well-Known Member

  13. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

  14. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    Counter marked Oil of Ice on an 1866 Shield Nickel.
    DF9C8A2E-9358-4FBB-BD41-E7F388923F9F.jpeg 1EC166BA-A762-46AB-B4E9-E7A52543F75D.jpeg AA4AB7FA-EA16-4808-9ACF-A1956FB13B29.jpeg
    SensibleSal66 likes this.
  15. Jersey magic man

    Jersey magic man Supporter! Supporter

    What is the difference between this and piece of webbing? Just would like to know.
  16. johnmilton

    johnmilton Well-Known Member

    First Proof Jefferson Nickel.

    1938 Proof Nickel All.jpg

    The Jefferson Nickel and Feliz Schlag conceived it. The mint made so many changes that it is hardly Schlag's work when they got done.

    Proposed 1938 PR All.jpg
  17. H8_modern

    H8_modern Attracted to small round-ish art

    Don’t get jealous of this top tier slab


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