Android APP for US Coins

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by downlow, Jun 28, 2011.

  1. Vess1

    Vess1 CT SP VIP Supporter

    I just bought your app for my Electrify. I love it. lol I won't have to print out my sets from my computer anymore. I will have it with me at all times to use at shows. The mintage info alone will be helpful.

    How about an ANA grading standards app for all US coins? With high resolution pics you can blow up and look at for grading reference on the fly. I know there's one member here that has a complete set of graded Indian head cents from lowest to highest, with pics. That would be a good starting point.

    Just thought I'd add, there is a PCGS slab bar code scanner out there available that I got a while back too. It works on old and new slabs. It will even read a bar code on a computer screen if it's a clear pic. It scans the bar code and brings up all the info for that coin. It also automatically looks up four average prices that the coin recently sold for, and also the highest and lowest. Along with a button you can click to look at current ebay auctions of the coin.
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  3. cciesielski01

    cciesielski01 Laced Up

    I want a coin app for blackberry, I have yet to find one
  4. BJGApps

    BJGApps New Member

    Thanks for the support Vess1!

    I love your idea for having the images for every grading standard. However it would be quite hard to find all the images.

    In addition to that, The worst review I have received on this app was a 2 star. The user specifically stated the App was way too big. I disagree because 10mb isn't really incredibly large for an application that has like 50 different 150x150 images. Adding the images for each grade would increase the size of the application dramatically however.

    One thing I would consider though, is creating links to someones website if they would like to team up with me on that. The image size almost surely prevents me from including them in the current 'offline friendly' version of the app though.

    One thing I will add those is a page that documents the ANA standards. That way there is at least text that someone could look at to try to grade their coins. I'm always looking for ideas, so thanks!

  5. Vess1

    Vess1 CT SP VIP Supporter

    Thanks for the update. Yes, I could see how there could be size concerns for that many images. It would be a great idea to link them to another site online. I appreciate how the app is NOT web based. You never know when you might have trouble linking up. Although this new phone I got is pretty good with that. I'll be watching for the updates. Thanks.
  6. DoubleDie

    DoubleDie Senior Member

    If your blackberry uses the android OS then the US Coin Identifier app should work. Don't be fooled by the name since it has values, mintages, precious and base metal spot values, as well.

    A web based app is good since you can tell me now that there's an error or it needs change or recommend something to add, and I can have it done in a couple of minutes. Otherwise, I would have to pay a developer and actually resubmit the app to be approved with the changes.

    It was a cost and time issue to make the decision to have a web-based application.
  7. Bigg-al

    Bigg-al New Member

    This is my 1st post to this forum but i do read it a lot, very informative. I have been using an app called "coin tracker" It gives silver melt prices as the spot changes per coin and coin values in average condition. They also have an inventory service for just your coins. Take a look.
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