Ancient Roman molds found in Northern England

Discussion in 'Ancient Coins' started by Bart9349, Jan 16, 2025.

  1. Bart9349

    Bart9349 Junior Member


    Numerous ancient Roman coin molds were found in Castleford, West Yorkshire, England (see map below). It is unclear whether these molds were used to create illegal forgeries or, less likely, authorized emergency replicas. These sanctioned replicas could be used to pay troops on the Empire’s outer reaches and would be later replaced once the authentic currency arrived. (The video below describes ancient molds.)


    Last edited: Jan 16, 2025
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  3. -monolith-

    -monolith- Supporter! Supporter

    Very interesting, however it would have been more educational if they actually showed photos of the molds and discussed their findings.
    GinoLR likes this.
  4. Bart9349

    Bart9349 Junior Member

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