anchient old old roman ? greek ? coin. cant find it online need help please....

Discussion in 'Ancient Coins' started by recurved, Apr 20, 2012.

  1. recurved

    recurved New Member

    coin.png coinsharp.png coinobv.jpg
    Ok so here is the coin i have. i have attached the images also as well as posted them. the first in reverse. second is my attempt at a sharper image using photoshop. 3rd pic is obverse. the coin is heavy. Appears to be copper or brass. is dirty. could be gold but i doubt it as i hear gold retains its shine and does not tarnish. but i havnt cleaned it. so maybe just needs polished im not sure. I spent some time searching online with no luck so im passing the quest onto anyone that can help. I kno nothing about anchient coins. If i was to guess it looks fake to me just becuase is no writing on it. The ones i see online usually contain some letters. Maybe this is to old to have lettering? im not sure. Now the only thing telling me this is not fake. it was collected from a bombed or raided museum during the war. it has been kept in my family. we had 2 that looked almost the same. one was taken to my fathers school when he was a child. someone broke into his locker and stole it. He showed it to a few teachers and the said it was valuable. Can a coin be c14 dated. carbon dated? if anyone has seen somethin like this or may be able to give me some more info that would be greatly appreciated.

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  3. randygeki

    randygeki Coin Collector

  4. dougsmit

    dougsmit Member

    It is unusual for a coin to be small enough that it missed getting part of the legend but I have seen others this bad. Fortunately, Commodus is one of those faces that is easy to recognize.
  5. Gao

    Gao Member

    I'm wondering if wear is one of the reasons we're not seeing writing. It looks almost like I can see traces of some on the right side of the obverse, but it's hard to tell on a photo this blurry.

    As for some of your other questions, it's definitely brass, and you should not try to clean it. Ancient collectors like to have a patina on their coins, and stripping it would reduce the value. As for authenticity, it looks fine from these pictures. Carbon 14 dating is impossible on coins, since that only works with organic materials. There are probably some other radiometric dating methods one could use, but these tend to be destructive, so they probably wouldn't be worth doing here.
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