An Ebay rip??

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by majorbigtime, Sep 12, 2009.

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  1. jello

    jello Not Expert★NormL®

    As did I. I saw too officer & noncoms not make home in 1968-70 they thought they were smarter the man who they were replacing
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  3. Bartelmoose

    Bartelmoose fight crime: shoot back

    Moi? Non, non Mssr Big...

    My comments have always been directed at the described behavior or the reasons stated for that behavior, not at you or any other specific person, so I'm sure you're talking about someone else, right Big?

    As I told you in my 11/1/09 PM, I'm enjoying not only the humor you've injected into a very lively & informative thread, but the perspective and candor of your postings.

    I just don't agree with the behavior or rationale for that behavior for the reasons I noted in my earlier postings.

  4. Leadfoot

    Leadfoot there is no spoon

    Cool coin & congrats MBT.

    Question: What do these go for slabbed in F-12 (i.e. how big of a score was it)?
  5. Leadfoot

    Leadfoot there is no spoon

    p.s. PCGS says $9,500. Wow, what a score!
  6. GoldenFire

    GoldenFire Coin Hoarder

    *LOL* Guess you couldn’t wait…went ahead and answered your own question. :)
  7. Leadfoot

    Leadfoot there is no spoon

    Yeah, I have a short attention span, and an even worse memory. lol
  8. majorbigtime

    majorbigtime New Member

    'nuff said!
  9. Bartelmoose

    Bartelmoose fight crime: shoot back

    Yeah... that's what Newman & Redford said... "The Sting"

  10. majorbigtime

    majorbigtime New Member

    I saw this on another forum and thought it might also fit here (especially the reference to the so called "moral preachers" that really ain't so moral):

    Several of the so called moral preachers of this board are the same ones who will snipe a coin from you right under your nose or like in this case offer the seller more money after the fact. There are alot of Mr know it alls on this board that post in every thread and always seem to know everything and are talking about what others should do in there buisness dealings. Keep your buisness private and dont post coins until you have them in hand or choose who you share them with before hand very carefully.
  11. Bartelmoose

    Bartelmoose fight crime: shoot back

    Big, Big difference, Big...

    Difference is sniping in an auction is legal.

    C'mon, Big...

    You've admitted you "scored" this coin in a manner that denied not only eBay of its final auction fees but the actual winning bidder of the coin he won fair and square.

    And you've done it in a thread you entitled "Ebay Rip" and characterized it in a tone that comes across to me like someone with a poop-eating grin.

    Live with it.
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