An Ebay rip??

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by majorbigtime, Sep 12, 2009.

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  1. majorbigtime

    majorbigtime New Member

    Sure, just give me a camera and a few easy step instructions!

    Actually, little purpose would be served since you already have the eBay pix and the PCGS verification data.
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  3. majorbigtime

    majorbigtime New Member

    Thanks Mr. Moderator. I agree wholeheartedly!

    Would you please bleep the prior derogatory and defamatory statements and sanction the offenders.

  4. Bartelmoose

    Bartelmoose fight crime: shoot back



    If what you're saying was true, everyone using The Bay could post an auction, get worldwide advertising for the item, and then pull the item when a "side deal' is made without ever paying eBay it's rightful auction fees.

    Effectively free advertising for the Seller.

    And it deprives the winning bidder of what is legally and rightfully his once he pays for it. And he has a right to demand specific performance.

    What you describe destroys the integrity of the entire eBay auction process which is the basis upon which eBay and many others make their living.

    When the Seller posts an item, he agrees to the listing contract: in particular, he agrees to 1) sell the item to the winning bidder; and 2) not make side deals while the auction is pending.

    When a registered eBay Buyer contacts a Seller to make a side deal while the auction is pending, he is in violation of eBay rules as well.

    What you described is clearly a violation of eBay rules by both parties.

    And it's a violation of contract and commerce laws.
  5. jello

    jello Not Expert★NormL®

    my 2 cents

    I am going to inflame anyone or say bad about this buy .I do sell on eBay.but seller have lost about 85 % of there feedback rights.
    If you win or buy on eBay please give the seller a truthful feedback:kewl:
    feedback is the only thing a seller that depend on.after all they can not leave bad feedback on a buyer/winner.even if the buyer/winner hold back payment for 15days & make the seller beg for payment or fill a nonpayment dispute.

    I have one buyer now that has not payed since 10/15.and he or she was the one who made the offer to buy the item.
  6. fretboard

    fretboard Defender of Old Coinage!

    Well, I thought of an easy solvable solution for you. You said you had the coin graded by PCGS in 10 days. At least that's what the dates on your posts say. Just post your registry page!!.

    Heck you can clear up some of the defamation that you did to yourself just by doing that. How about it, where's the beef??
  7. Bartelmoose

    Bartelmoose fight crime: shoot back

    amen to that...

  8. majorbigtime

    majorbigtime New Member

    Well, for starters I suggest that you re-check the calendar. My first post was 9-12 and the certified coin was received (and grade posted) on 10-28.

    Sorry, I "don't do" registry page.

    To quote you "How about it, where's the beef?? "
  9. majorbigtime

    majorbigtime New Member


    Well, it is Halloween so "BOOOOO, HOOOOO" I am sooooooooo scared:yawn:
    If this is such an egregious violation, please explain why Ebay often permits auctions to end early on the basis that the "item is no longer available for sale"? Heck, virtually everything offered for sale on Planet Earth is "subject to prior sale".
  10. Conder101

    Conder101 Numismatist

    It IS within the ebay rules for a seller to end and auction early because he sold to the current high bidder (In that case it is still a deal being made on eBay and they are due their cut.). He could have done that here, the problem is really the sellers fault for not ending the auction but instead letting it continue to run and "sell" a coin he no longer had to the final high bidder. Although if MBT was NOT the high bidder at the time then it could be a case of making a deal off-ebay in which case they would both be in violation of the rules.
  11. rlm's cents

    rlm's cents Numismatist

    From my previous post.

    It is possible that someone could walk into his store and buy the coin sight unseen from eBay. That is the purpose of "item is no longer available for sale". Just keep on ranting about this. Every post you make is showing just dishonest you really are. I can't believe how anyone can spend this much time trying to explain why he is justified in violating his contract (with eBay).
  12. fretboard

    fretboard Defender of Old Coinage!

    Absolutely positively!! You're the only one doing the defamation MBT!! And not to corner you or anything you're doing great on your own!
  13. rlm's cents

    rlm's cents Numismatist

    As I read the following, he made his offer outside of eBay. And that is what he has been trying to justify in his posts.

  14. majorbigtime

    majorbigtime New Member

    Well said, I did nothing wrong IMO and there is no reason to be defensive. Simply stated, I saw something I wanted and bought it. If you think that somehow makes me a crook, you are entitled to your opinion-- please just keep it to yourself and heed fretboard's admonition. Hey, maybe we all should agree not "fret" over it!

    These forums can be brutal. Take a look at the thread on the PCGS forum regarding the theft of coins from long-time dealer Julian Leidman, who is acknowledged to be one of the best in the business and literally "reeks" with integrity. He was the victim of a horrific auto burglary enroute home from Coinfest and posters have nailed him every which way for leaving his inventory unattended in a car, having failed to recognize that some folks may have been watching him, etc. In addition to repeatedly being called stupid (or worse), many posted tips for travelling with coins (that will do him a lot of good now). Someone even went so far as to suggest that it was an "inside job" and that he (Julian) was in cahoots with the crooks (proper usage here). I guess that Julian also was effectively called a crook. Well, at least I'm in good company!

    That is just another example of how threads can get out of hand, especially when purveyors of negativism and "Inspectors Clouseau" jump on the bandwagon.

    Hmmm, this is the US coins Forum, isn't it. I suggest that we all just focus on matters numismatic.
    I have this wonderful coin in my grubby little hands as we "speak" :hail: .
    A dealer in my local B+M looked at it this morning and commented "nice coin". He said it probably would have graded higher but for a few minor rim bumps.

    Have a nice day!:smile
  15. Jackh555

    Jackh555 Older than rocks


    I am new to this board, but I have been a casual collector since I was a boy. Believe me that was a LONG time ago.
    I have read this thread with interest. I do have some knowledge of how EBay works.
    If things happened exactly as this thread seems to indicate than I expect we will see someone banned from EBay in the very near future. Once one is banned it is almost impossible to get back on.
  16. rlm's cents

    rlm's cents Numismatist

    The reason I "fret" over this is because I, and every other eBay user, is paying for your dishonesty. Do you really think eBay puts those ads (listings) up there for free? It both costs me money and puts a bad name on eBay.
  17. Lugia

    Lugia ye olde UScoin enthusiast

    how much more money would the seller of made selling it on ebay then on the side?
  18. rlm's cents

    rlm's cents Numismatist

    Probably between 3% and 6%. Since I do not know how much it went for nor how it was paid for (I assume it was not PayPal), I do not know exactly.
  19. Lugia

    Lugia ye olde UScoin enthusiast

    trying to think of what to say. i guess is saving 5% worth the risk of losing $2500?
  20. majorbigtime

    majorbigtime New Member

    Having decided to rest on my laurels and let you rant disparagingly, I must state that I wholehartedly agree with two aspects of your post--you "fret" and someone is creating a "bad name". Surely you jest with your last sentence--thanks for the laugh! :mouth:
  21. fretboard

    fretboard Defender of Old Coinage!

    The only bad name created was by you dude!! Haven't you been humiliated enough??
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