Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by cpm9ball, Mar 7, 2015.

  1. MKent

    MKent Well-Known Member

    Thanks for posting these and starting this thread. My 3 year old grandson loves trains and he enjoys looking at coins with me. I recently gave him two Chons that both had trains on them and he loved them. I plan on finding him others but most I've seen on eBay are kind of expensive to let a 3 year old play with I may look into tokens and rounds also. Thanks again
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  3. JPeace$

    JPeace$ Coinaholic

    Very cool coins, medals, souvenirs! While I don't have any, I enjoyed viewing your collections!
    spirityoda likes this.
  4. saltysam-1

    saltysam-1 Junior Member

    I never knew so many existed. I have seen many trains on paper currency but not these. I collected Lionel trains for about 50+ years. I finally sold them through an auction house about 15 years ago. That's what financed me to start a serious collection of numismatic pieces. Otherwise I was just getting common stuff from the mint periodically. My train layout was on four 4' x 8' sheets of plywood; 8' x 16' over all. When we downsized into a smaller home, there just wasn't the room to put it back up again.
    dwhiz likes this.
  5. MKent

    MKent Well-Known Member

    That's awesome about the train set I'm going to set up an HO scale layout for my grandsons on a 4x8 sheet. I want attach it to the wall someway so it can be folded out of the way when not in use. I'm just not sure that's practical.
    49ers likes this.
  6. petronius

    petronius Duke

    Bronze medal issued by "Associazione Filatelico-Numismatica Federico II", Jesi, Italy, for 140th Anniversary (1866-2006) of Ancona-Roma railway.

    Obverse, two old steam locomotives

    ancona romaD.jpg

    Reverse, a modern high-speed train

    ancona romaR.jpg

    petronius :cool:
  7. J.A.K.

    J.A.K. Foriegn Fanatic

    Mexico 1950 5 pesos Southeast Railroad. ME42.jpg
    Atarian, gronnh20, cpm9ball and 2 others like this.
  8. 49ers

    49ers Junior Member

    Nice Mexican silver design.
  9. saltysam-1

    saltysam-1 Junior Member

    You may be aware of this already but Google "Worlds largest train layout in Hamburg Germany" Be prepared to see hours of video and not see a duplicate view. It is modeled after various locations in the world and occupies several stories of a very large building. The trains are the focal point but the reproduction of a working major airport is amazing. The planes actually taxi, take off and land on the runways. It is only a guess but the total square footage of the layout must be around 100,000 square feet. It could even be more. Set your grandson in front of the computer and he will be entertained for hours. Everything is in working and moving order. Wait till he sees the lights come on in all the cities at night.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2015
    49ers likes this.
  10. dwhiz

    dwhiz Collector Supporter

    I know the feeling but I keep the locomotives and have them in a display case. maybe I'll take a photo of them
  11. ldhair

    ldhair Clean Supporter

    In honor of Rey. A special guy that passed way too soon. This was part of his collection. Thanks Chris for helping me find these images.
    More to come.
    gronnh20 and dwhiz like this.
  12. ldhair

    ldhair Clean Supporter

    Still more to come. I'm still searching.
    petronius, gronnh20 and dwhiz like this.
  13. 49ers

    49ers Junior Member

    Thank you for displaying Reys collection of trains, they are magnificent.
  14. ldhair

    ldhair Clean Supporter

    Thank Chris for the thread. It's cool stuff we all don't see very often.
    A few more.
    dwhiz, gronnh20 and 49ers like this.
  15. ldhair

    ldhair Clean Supporter

  16. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER

    Rey was a very special man. If you remember, Tom, we lost four members at NGC in a very short period of time, but every time someone mentions a railroad, I think of Rey.

  17. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER

    At first I thought this thread wasn't going anywhere. Thanks to all of you for contributing.

    dwhiz likes this.
  18. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER

    Thanks for posting all of these, Larry. There are a few I don't recall seeing, and there are a couple that I recognize because Rey asked my opinion on them.

  19. 49ers

    49ers Junior Member

    Brazil 1937 200 R. Cool train coin. brazf.JPG brzb.JPG
    dwhiz likes this.
  20. 49ers

    49ers Junior Member

    Canada Dollar Proof 1886 - 1986 Vancouver Transcontinental Railroad.

    train.JPG trainback.JPG
    dwhiz likes this.
  21. MKent

    MKent Well-Known Member

    No sir I didn't know about it he will love that we watch train videos.
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