A small Tyche with crescent and 2 stars from Silandos

Discussion in 'Ancient Coins' started by cmezner, Feb 11, 2024.

  1. cmezner

    cmezner do ut des Supporter

    Got this in a multiple lot. Can someone comment what the crescent and the two stars are symbolizing?

    Silandos was a city in the late Roman province of Lydia.

    AE 16, Lydia, Silandos, Pseudo-autonomous coinage, Time of Elagabalus, 218 – 222 AD

    16 mm; 2.944 g
    Weber 6915; BMC 14; SNG Tuebingen 3829; Waddington 5283; Paris 1349; SGI 5042

    Ob.: CIΛANΔOC, draped bust of Tyche to r. wearing a turreted crown.
    Rev.: CIΛANΔEΩN crescent holding a star and star above.

    upload_2024-2-11_21-26-49.png upload_2024-2-11_21-27-1.png

    Please feel free to comment and/or share anything relevant.
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  3. Victor_Clark

    Victor_Clark all my best friends are dead Romans Dealer

    The goddess Selene is represented by a crescent moon with two stars-- Phosphorus and Hesperus...the morning and evening stars (think dioscuri).
  4. Ryan McVay

    Ryan McVay Well-Known Member

    @Victor_Clark The reference to a crescent moon and 2 stars representing Selene is interesting.

    Here's an interesting coin from Hierapolis with a reverse with a crescent moon with a stars that is sitting on top of bull skull. The stars are connected. So maybe we might have a comet? But would love to get your opinion on this coin. Is it a reference to Men with bull skull?
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