A Saxon sceatta

Discussion in 'Ancient Coins' started by Roerbakmix, Oct 29, 2021.

  1. Roerbakmix

    Roerbakmix Well-Known Member

    Today, with help of @AnYangMan, my 53th sceatta arrived safely from England.
    WhatsApp Image 2021-10-28 at 16.09.17.jpeg
    Anglo-Saxon AR sceatta, Hamwic mint, secondary phase (c. 720-745 AD). Series H BMC type 39. Obv: Pecking bird in beaded foliage, right, wing raised and curled, pellet eye, beak open, feet splayed, pellets in field. Rev: void Celtic cross, encompassing four rosettes, central rosette, no pellet cross.
    Found near Westield Farm Cheriton at 21-05-2006 (according to the notes that were sent with the coin).
    Abramson 46-10

    The coin is absolutely lovely in hand: sharply struck, underlying lustre, high relief and a pleasant toning. I hesitated a bit because of the blurry Ebay photo's, but took the gamble because the price was quite right, and I lacked this type in my collection.

    It's closely related to the other Series H coin (BMC 49), which I've bought a while ago. This coin is clearly in less stellar condition, with corrosion on the obverse, and delamination on the reverse:

    Metcalf presents a map with the known finds of series H type 39 and type 49:
    My new coin fits well within this chart, as it was found near Hamwic (current Southampton), as denoted with the red cross.

    I'll keep it short, as I'm tired after a long working day. I guess @Nap will have a similar type, and would invite him, and others, to post their Series H, or any other coin relevant.
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  3. John Anthony

    John Anthony Ultracrepidarian

    A very cool coin, great find!
  4. Nap

    Nap Well-Known Member

    Nice pick-up!

    The series H sceattas are generally associated with Hamwic, based on find spots. Apparently they didn’t circulate that much beyond this area.

    Here’s my only series H:
  5. Roerbakmix

    Roerbakmix Well-Known Member

    Good to see you’re back! That’s a nice type 41. The face on the obverse is usually too worn, as in my example.
    +VGO.DVCKS likes this.
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