A nice lot of ancients coming in. Please ID

Discussion in 'Ancient Coins' started by Swervo513, Feb 24, 2024.

  1. Swervo513

    Swervo513 Well-Known Member

    Hi y’all,

    So, I’ve been on this ancient kick. I got a nice lot of silver ancients coming in. Can you guys ID the exact type? And perhaps tell me of the value of each? I paid $1,155 for the lot of six coins. I was told the Corinth stater seems to have been smoothed previously.

    Thanks for your time,

    E1A1AA8A-CFFF-40D3-BD80-0891D4107F04.jpeg E9160774-EE6D-4C9C-A01F-A416B8C0B10B.jpeg 3BEBA39F-2BE9-4C36-B574-7865CB9DD560.jpeg AC5CE69D-65DF-4A53-99FC-960013266653.jpeg BB6FA527-F06B-4ED1-8A0E-545852E37915.jpeg D115C54C-1450-46BF-8E8F-72561641EDA1.jpeg D12C093E-1F60-4029-8588-AEE3C821CD27.jpeg 39D02ECE-022D-46C3-9585-7E73002C6C56.jpeg
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  3. The Meat man

    The Meat man Well-Known Member

    A nice lot. I'd say the price was about right, not a steal but you didn't get ripped off.

    Here's a good website for identifying the Roman coins:

    Online Coins of the Roman Empire (numismatics.org)

    A good way to start would be to type in as much of the legends as you can into the search and add details like emperor name, denomination, etc. Look carefully, because there are often quite subtle differences between types.

    For the non-Roman coins I'd advise using this site:

    acsearch.info - Auction research

    Do the same as for the Romans - type in as many details as you can into the search. If you purchase a subscription to acsearch.info you can also see the hammer prices, which will give you an idea of market value.

    Let us know what you come up with!
  4. Swervo513

    Swervo513 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the resources. I often have trouble IDing properly. But I will certainly try these two sites out! I’m excited to have these in hand.
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