A nice drachm of Yazdegard I

Discussion in 'Ancient Coins' started by Parthicus, Mar 3, 2024.

  1. Parthicus

    Parthicus Well-Known Member

    Yazdegard I AS.jpg
    Sasanian Kingdom. AR drachm. Yazdegard I (399-420 AD). Obverse: Bust of Yazdegard I right, legend in Pahlavi script around giving his name and titles. Reverse: Zoroastrian fire-altar with two attendants, crescents and pellets above, to right mintmark AS ("uncertain site in Khorasan"). This coin: Pars Coins Bargain eSale 15, lot 52 (February 22, 2024).

    (historical section contains reused text)
    Yazdegard I (399-420 AD) was the son of Shapur III (383-388) and brother of Vahram IV (388-399). His three immediate predecessors had all been killed by high-ranking nobility (which still included many of the Parthian noble families, nearly two centuries after the last Parthian king died) and conflict with the nobles would continue in his reign as well. He also came into conflict with the Zoroastrian priesthood for his considerable toleration of both Christians and Jews in his realm; indeed, some sources call him "the sinner", though Christians and Jews referred to him as a new Cyrus the Great, and Yazdegard himself took the title Ramshahr, "peacemaker in [his] realm". Yazdegard maintained good relations with the Eastern Roman Empire, and was declared a guardian of Arcadius' young son, the future Theodosius II. He died around 420 in the northeast (in the traditional homeland of the Parthians), probably murdered by the nobility although accounts differ. We do know that the nobles tried to prevent Yazdegard's sons from taking the throne, but one of them, Vahram V, with help from an Arab army was able to succeed his father.

    This is a rather nice example, there's very little wear (though there is a flat area on the reverse around the rightmost attendant's head, probably caused during striking by insufficient metal to completely fill the die). Not much else to say, just a nice, attractive coin that only cost $41. Please post your coins of Yazdegard I, or whatever else is related.
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  3. Mat

    Mat Ancient Coincoholic

    Yazdgird (Yazdgard) I (399 - 420 A.D.)
    AR Drachm
    O: Bust of Yazdgard I on floral ornament right, wearing mural crown with frontal crescent and korymbos.
    R: Fire altar with ribbons, flanked by two attendants, crescents and letters flanking flames.
    AW (Ahwaz) mint
    SNS type Ib1/1a var. 4 ; Göbl type I/1; Paruck -; Saeedi -; Sunrise 915var.

    Ex. VAuctions Sale 354, Lot 133
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