Cent roll availability isn't as great as most believe. It's also very spotty with millions of some coins and very few of others. It's a real shame that collectors have shunned moderns since it will mean the coins aren't available to future collectors. They have been poorly treated and pristine examples will be quite tough for many of these issues. Certainly the '82 coins will prove tough.
I think you're quite correct. Who knows what coins will be in existence 1, 2, or 3 generations from now, and what interests they will have in our past series. Collectors at some point will discover the scarcity of modern coinage, I have no doubt. We may hear about a few modern coins selling for high amounts, in top condition lets say, but if demand rose significantly for modern coins right now we'd discover a huge shortage. And you can imagine this shortage will only get worse over time! Our clad coinage may end up like Barber coinage - ie, neglected by many during issuance, and xf+, problem free examples will be expensive for the average collector. That's my guess
Just discovered several 1982 pennies. Looked at them under a scope and saw the following: 3 were small date. One of the small dates had what appeared to be a double strike in the "In " of In God We Trust. I noticed too that the "VDB" differed on all three coins. Sharp on one; blurred (soft) on anther and; missing on the third. Is any of this already noted?
To have any real value it needs to be either the D mint small date made of copper (not copper plated zinc), or it has to be slabbed by one of the top two services and very high grade say MS-68 or higher.
Ye, I did something like this a while ago but I used a folded up index card length-wise a couple times, I just need the cop. LG. And zn. Sm. And with all my timeless searching through wallet after jar after rolls after mabye a thousand pennies I can finally just feel the difference between zinc and copper usually without difficulty.
The rarest is the 1982-D Copper Small Date. They have only found a few of these - initially no one thought they existed, but someone was checking their pennies and found one.
Wow. That looks like there are a lot of people with more money than brains. Keeping copper red is impossible in the long run, and if you live anywhere with humidity, it is impossible in the short run.
Cecelia yes there is a tolerance +/- .13 of a gram. 2.98-3.24. However, if your copper cent was lighter or heavier than that range, it could have value for being out of tolerance. Zinc also .13. 2.37-2.63
Cecelia like everything, condition is very important. They made 17 billion cents in 1982. There is a small premium for the copper small date 1982 and the zinc small date 1982. But in MINT STATE grades, (almost brand new) which most are not.
First, you need to be sure that it's 1982-D, small date, copper. Can you post photos? It might also be best to start a new thread. You can do that by going up to the top of the page, clicking on the US Coins Forum link, and clicking the Post New Thread button. Welcome to CoinTalk!