Oh, I see it. Man, it's small on the top. They need a new web developer!! Thanks!! P.S. So with all the apparently web issues, do you think they keep the site up to date?
None, not worth the expense until you're certain you have at least 67/68/69. In general, this is true across the board for Memorial cents.
Yep. They aren't cutting-edge Web developers, but they do update their price database pretty regularly.
Great. Thanks! So you're satisfied that the fair market value on the site is fair? Basically, ballpark on what to pay or what to sell for?
Well, I wouldn't say that. I see them as more similar to Red Book values -- in other words, closer to retail, where most of us would not be willing to pay quite so much. Others might disagree with me on that, but I think we'd all agree that you generally can't expect to get Numismedia prices when you sell, especially if you're selling to a dealer. But they're really useful for comparison -- in other words, if Numismedia says a coin is worth three times as much in 66 as in 65, you're likely to see a large jump in price in the real world too, whatever the actual prices are.
Then why would someone pay to have these things slabbed? [/QUOTE] Easy it's my coin and my money so I'll do what I please plus it was on a special.
I just looked at Great Collections auction for tomorrow and PCGS refers to the 1982 as bronze also. http://www.greatcollections.com/search.php?mode=product&series=17&searchid=&q=1982&series=17&sort=01
From 1783 to 1837, a cent was pure copper. From 1837 to 1857, the cent was made of bronze (95 percent copper, and five percent tin and zinc). From 1857, the cent was 88 percent copper and 12 percent nickel. The cent was again bronze (95 percent copper, and five percent tin and zinc) from 1864 to 1962, except: In 1943, the coin's composition was changed to zinc-coated steel. This change was only for the year 1943 and was due to the critical use of copper for the war effort. However, a limited number of copper pennies were minted that year. In 1962, the cent's tin content, which was quite small, was removed. That made the metal composition of the cent 95 percent copper and 5 percent zinc. The alloy remained 95 percent copper and 5 percent zinc until 1982, when the composition was changed to 97.5 percent zinc and 2.5 percent copper (copper-plated zinc). Cents of both compositions appeared in that year.
Brass is a metal alloy made of copper and zinc; the proportions of zinc and copper can be varied to create a range of brasses with varying properties. Bronze is principally an alloy of copper and tin.
The large cents were pure copper from the start in 1793 thru the end in 1857. The most of the 1942 cents and the 1944 - 46 cents, while technically bronze because they did contain tin, were for all practical purposes brass. They only contained a trace of tin so as to comply with the law that required them to be "5% tin and zinc". The law didn't specify exact composition so they reduced the tin to just a mere trace. For example the 585,000 pounds of cents struck in San Francisco in 1942 used less than 50 pounds of tin. (95% copper 4.991% zinc and .009% tin) The 44 - 46 cents had even less tin.
I just got done reading this thread. Awesome info. As to this slabbed coin... did no one see the DDO on the slab?
This is my experience as well. But some of the roll searchers tell me that nice choice examples of the zincs are relatively easy to find! Roll searchers say some of the darndest things though. I've looked at hundreds and hundreds of these from various sources and mostly what I see is junk and corroded junk.
The key word "choice", translated "MS-64" and below. Yes, you can find "choice" zincs in bank rolls...but 99.99% are not up to my collecting standards. They are late die state, poorly struck, corroded, spotted or otherwise damaged. A lot of my searching at shows is in mint sets. However, most of the coins in those are also junk. They look OK from a few feet away, then when you look closely they are beat-up or spotted. I can keep banging my fists on the table trying to wake collectors up but, after all these years, it seems futile. The "they made billions" mantra seems to echo permanently in the ears of dealers and collectors. It seems like we probably won't be vindicated for another hundred or so years.
I really can't believe the roll searchers but I know they find some Gems. I've searched many bags and rolls myself so I have a feel for what's out there in most dates and mints and it ain't pretty. Coins like the '82-D you posted on page 2 are tougher than nails and I've never seen anything close to that sort of quality. If there were mint sets for the date all you'd have to do is check a couple hundred sets and you'd probably find one. What most people are missing is that sometimes only a few percent of an issue is well struck from good dies. Then you have to find an example that isn't all beat up. It's easy top go through a whole bag and not find a nicely made coin. And if you did anyway it would be scratched. Mint set coins are often poor as well but most are well made from good dies so all you need to do is find one that isn't banged up. About 2% of mint set coins are Gem and maybe only .1% (and sometimes far less) of roll coins are Gem. So finding an '82-D cent in Gem+ on a good planchet is something akin to a miracle since there were no mint sets. I know miracles since I found an '84-P a couple years back that is pristine with good surfaces. It's a mint set coin. Sure there were billions made but that doesn't mean they can be readily found in great condition. People are so fearful of paying "stupid money" for rare Gem moderns and circulating varieties because they've bought into the hype that there are many more lurking in the unchecked billions. Meanwhile dealers are cutting up mint sets and using them to make change in their shops. These coins can be acquired on the cheap now but in a few years there wont be any "cheap" because they are being consumed by a society that throws everything away. And, of course, the cents are being consumed by the moisture in the air and acids from the skin. Zinc pennies are just corroding away because people think they are so common that nice specimens are everywhere. People should try finding a nice well made 1968 cent that's still pristine and without carbon spots. Try putting together a nice gemmy set of memorials and then you won't hear baseless stories about billions of unchecked specimens.
As always my friend....BRAVO! Agree on the 1968's, also, try to find one with full steps. This was the last year for very old and tired master hubs. Well struck, hit-free and spot-free coins are scarce. I've found many that had great surfaces but marred by some huge, deep hits. I think the mint dropped these out of planes to deliver them. This I believe is one of the best ones I've found, notice the reverse die state and full steps. As I recall, this came as a result of a TON of searching, including cracking probably 30 OBW rolls.
Here's my D, I can't find pictures of my P, I don't think it's as nice as these branch mints. I'll have to dig into my bank box and check next time I'm out. This coin came from Ben Peters. A dealer and dedicated Memorial searcher. He literally has searched for examples for decades, including a lot of sealed mint bags. I sure miss BP, he was a great source of tough memorial cents!