83 Uses for a "Penny"

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by Treashunt, Jun 27, 2007.

  1. hontonai

    hontonai Registered Contrarian

    DO NOT try this - it is potentially fatal, as a circuit could heat up while overloaded, and set the building on fire while you sleep!

    This wouldn't be much fun either, if the projectile put someone's eye out.
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  3. tmoneyeagles

    tmoneyeagles Indian Buffalo Gatherer

    Well those were fun to read, have not read them all yet, going back to original threads, some of these are really neat, wouldn't have even thought... :)
  4. byrd740

    byrd740 Numismatist

    I have done at least half of those on the list. Thanks for the entertaining read!
  5. tmoneyeagles

    tmoneyeagles Indian Buffalo Gatherer

    Here are some of the ones I do, or have done :)

  6. kevcoins

    kevcoins Senior Roll Sercher

    I like there rules

    63. Play beer games: bounce a penny on the table and into a shot glass. If you make it, you get a drink. If not, you get a drink …
  7. weryon

    weryon World traveler - In Thailand

    Load them in a blunderbuss and point it at your head after realizing the time you will never have again after reading this list…


  8. Conder101

    Conder101 Numismatist

    Cents (Since) you've been gone by Kelly Clarkson?
  9. fiftypee

    fiftypee Member

    A "cent" also has a great use for exercise. Every time I see one I bend down to pick it up.
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