Featured 60 Junk bin picks this week

Discussion in 'World Coins' started by The Eidolon, Apr 5, 2024.

  1. 3BStuff

    3BStuff Cogitare Et Prolatantem

    Funnily enough this post is quite helpful for me
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  3. GSDykes

    GSDykes Well-Known Member

    Some have potential value, I especially note the 10 ct from Chile, I have seen some beautiful Proof-like specimens which are not common, the 1961 issue is worth at least $7.00 in bright uncirculated condition; your 1964 is quite numerous (27 + million mintage), but what a beautiful condor! Had it been a '61 your bin find would have increased in value. Thanks for the interesting picture! More bin pic!
    Gary in Washington
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