6 coin errors?

Discussion in 'Error Coins' started by littlebitty, Jul 23, 2004.

  1. littlebitty

    littlebitty New Member

    I am new to this so I am hopping for some help. I won't sell these but sure would like some help with them. I have a lot more strange coins but these r a few of my favorites. Just would like to learn more.
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  3. National dealer

    National dealer New Member

    Welcome to the forum.

    I think that maybe your attachments didn't make the trip.
  4. littlebitty

    littlebitty New Member

    ok I need help wit the pics to post the first.
  5. littlebitty

    littlebitty New Member

    attachments help
  6. National dealer

    National dealer New Member

    Are you having problems with file size, or getting to the attachment area?
  7. littlebitty

    littlebitty New Member

    pics a here

    ok i think i have it now made file smaller.

    Attached Files:

  8. littlebitty

    littlebitty New Member

    ok now that i got the pics through i can anser questin i will say most of these came from new rolls from the bank
  9. National dealer

    National dealer New Member

    Good job.

    From what I can see the Washington Quarter is certainly hit with something. The state quarter is stained, all three cents are damaged. Post a pic of the Jefferson alone.
  10. littlebitty

    littlebitty New Member

    the lady at the bank said she thoght this coin was one that got away it looked like a coin that should of been destroyed

    Attached Files:

  11. littlebitty

    littlebitty New Member

    the nickle has like an extra back and the one penny has a differt type mettle it the same as the $1.oo saq. and is a little heaver the the other pennys
  12. littlebitty

    littlebitty New Member

    one more thing what causes the oil stains in the coins? these r my faverites. sorry i cant spell real well, and i no i am slow at that is.
  13. jody526

    jody526 New Member

    Rolling up damaged coins, and taking them to the bank, is a great way to get rid of them.
    Oftentimes it can be a little embarrasing trying to spend them.

    There are several good referance books available on the subject of error coins. They show what errors look like, tell how they occur, offer pricing suggestions, and give some ideas on frequency of occurance.

    A world of knowledge awaits us. We just have to put forth a little effort.

    Good luck, and keep searching. :)
  14. littlebitty

    littlebitty New Member

    just a note on the quarter, it was a new roll of 1981's. i think from dever i lived in iowa at the time.
    If u know of any good sites or books I will be on my way, thank for the help
  15. jody526

    jody526 New Member

  16. JBK

    JBK Coin Collector

    Mostly damagaed coins to me - no real Mint errors (although I am not sure what is up with the nickel).
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