3 Leg Buffalo Poll

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by BNB Analytics, Dec 5, 2009.


What is your favorite?

  1. Specimen #1

    16 vote(s)
  2. Specimen #2

    23 vote(s)
  3. Specimen #3

    10 vote(s)
  1. rlm's cents

    rlm's cents Numismatist

    I will bite my tongue.
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  3. mark_h

    mark_h Somewhere over the rainbow

    I am suprised at the number selecting the second coin - based off the pictures I can see it if you do color only. But on the obverse compare the details you see in the pictures - to me the first coin has the better strike. As mentioned it is the better struck coin - based only on these pictures.
  4. CoinKeeper

    CoinKeeper Keeper of Coins

    Thank you for acting in such a responsible manner.
  5. BNB Analytics

    BNB Analytics New Member

    I can't agree with you more, Mark. I think people are responding to the color more than the details.. I posted this on CU and man and so far Goldielocks is in the lead by 9 people more. 19-10.

    I think a lot of people are just basing it on the color, not the strike. I paid $1495 for this, Mark. Goldy went for $1795.. I think for value, I got the better coin.. The strike is better on the obverse and looks the same as the goldy on the reverse. So, better strike, nice dazzling colors = a major win for bnb :)

    Great eyes, Mark.
  6. raider34

    raider34 Active Member

    I voted for coin #1, yes from the pics it's seems the obverse on coin 1 is slightly stronger. But, I went with coin 1 because, imo I think it has overall more eye appeal. I think the luster on coin one is slightly stronger too. Both are nice coins though.
  7. Breakdown

    Breakdown Member


    It seems you did well with that coin. I would have picked 1 or 2 based on the photos, but that is the problem, the Heritage small photos make it near impossible to distinguish. I like Heritage and have purchased a good number of coins from them, but these small photos make bidding somewhat pot luck and when you zoom in, they are almost worse. The larger Heritage photos are not great, although certainly better, but these coins are just under the pricepoint where they start to shoot the larger images.

    Anyway, while it doesn't surprise me that the gold toned AU58 brought a little more money, from what we can see, you did well. Please post one of your own photos when you receive it after Christmas as we'd like to see a better image. When you finally get it (waiting until Christmas will seem a long time, I'm sure), enjoy it.:thumb:
  8. The_Cave_Troll

    The_Cave_Troll The Coin Troll

    It is inappropriate to tell another member to get lost. All CT members are welcome to post to whichever threads they would like. Neither you nor anyone own this thread and to act otherwise is not appropriate either.

    His original comment, while not overtly friendly, didn't IMO cross the line to intentionally personal, but to then use language in your response that would have gotten the Beave's mouth washed out with soap is not ok.

    To All: just because you disagree with someone does not give you the right to mistreat them. Please keep that in mind when you post.
  9. chip

    chip Novice collector

    I voted for coin #3, listening to the afficionados of this variety, I realize that when it comes to three leggers, it is probably good that I dont collect three legged buffalos.

    If I walked into a strange coin shop and saw one for five hundred and I had the cash I would probably walk out without it. Someone might say, but you could sell it for more than that and make money, which is true, but I would think that there would be some collector out there who would appreciate it much more.
  10. abe

    abe LaminatedLincolnCollector

    I think its a waste of money. That die was intentionally alted like the 22 no D. There was no minting error here, they are not rare or even scarce. Everybody and their brother has one or two for sale. These coins belong in the catagory along side the so-called 55 poormans doubled die. Overpolished, overworked, and over re-worked dies. But, if its your thing go for it...
  11. rockdude

    rockdude Coin Collector

    I didn't vote because I don't know what the heck I'm doing. I'd take them all.
  12. DoK U Mint

    DoK U Mint In Odd we Trust

    I voted for #1. It just grabbed my attention the most.
    I'm too lazy to criticize the others, I guess.

    Some folks like the White Socks, others the Cubs.

    I sometimes prefer Miss January to Miss July. Without variance in opinions we would all just bore each other into a stupor.:pencil:
  13. Speedy

    Speedy Researching Coins Supporter

    I voted for #2 and here is why -
    Without both coins in hand we really can't tell what one has a betters strike from these pic's - like it or not, a coin looks alot different in hand.
    So....from these pic's I'm going to go with #2 - looks like it is a good strike, and it has really NICE eye appeal. As you pointed out yourself - it sold for more in this auction, and I think later on down the road will bring more than either of the other coins posted in this thread.

  14. ldhair

    ldhair Clean Supporter

    I'm thinking coin 1 and 2 are actually the same coin. BNB?
  15. rockdude

    rockdude Coin Collector

    They look alike but the label says different.
  16. ldhair

    ldhair Clean Supporter

    Think in terms of the age of the label.
  17. krispy

    krispy krispy

    You suggesting #1 and #2 are the same, the coin had been resubmitted for grading?


    p.s. my vote was for #3
  18. BNB Analytics

    BNB Analytics New Member

    No, they are not. Two different coins, different serial numbers, etc.
  19. BNB Analytics

    BNB Analytics New Member

    Illini420 and I verified the serial numbers of the first two last night on NGC's Verification and boy, do they look like celebrities without makeup!

    Man, were they nothing like the original pictures.

    You guys should take a look. Just type in the coin's serial numbers on NGC's site and go to verifiy. They will have pictures..

    That's what happens when NGC doesn't invest money into their photography of their coins.. They just run them right through the scanner!
  20. ML94539

    ML94539 Senior Member

    does the coin in hand look like heritage photo or ngc photo?
  21. raider34

    raider34 Active Member

    They don't look like scans to me, they look like pictures. It could just be from the NGC image but it looks like there is a fingerprint on the obverse on coin #1.

    Who knows what pics are more accurate, but from the NGC images I would go with coin #2.
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