3 Leg Buffalo Poll

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by BNB Analytics, Dec 5, 2009.


What is your favorite?

  1. Specimen #1

    16 vote(s)
  2. Specimen #2

    23 vote(s)
  3. Specimen #3

    10 vote(s)
  1. BNB Analytics

    BNB Analytics New Member

    Pick your favorite.

    Specimen #1:



    Specimen #2:



    Specimen #3:


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  3. ML94539

    ML94539 Senior Member

    Would you have bid higher on the #1? I bid $1610 on #2 and lost, #1 was on my watch list, I was busy and forgot to bid on it, was also kind of over budget from my previous auctions, so wasn't paying that much attention.
  4. BNB Analytics

    BNB Analytics New Member

    Yeah, I don't reveal my max bids but it was definitely a winner.
  5. Treashunt

    Treashunt The Other Frank

    1 or 2, pass on 3.
  6. coleguy

    coleguy Coin Collector

    I like 2.
  7. dracula370

    dracula370 Mmmmmmm......Bacon

    The pics for #1 and #2 are pretty bad...#3 seems closer to in hand, tough call.
  8. tmoneyeagles

    tmoneyeagles Indian Buffalo Gatherer

    #1 is my choice.
    I think 1 and 2 are more of a slider type coin, while number 3 is more of a strong detailed AU, but without the luster of that of 1 and 2.
  9. covert coins

    covert coins Coin Hoarder

    # 2 for sure... nice luster. I don' t really see better detail in the # 3 coin
  10. BNB Analytics

    BNB Analytics New Member

    WOW! You guys are eating up that gold toned buffalo..

    Too bad because I think it's not nearly as well struck as #1..

    Plus, it's a very unique market you're dealing with when it comes time to sell good ole Goldie locks.
  11. CoinKeeper

    CoinKeeper Keeper of Coins

    Just because people like other coins does not mean you have to criticize them. You asked for an opinion, got it, and now you are critiquing it in a critical and negative tone. Stop speaking like you're the almighty expert (this is a slight exaggeration, but at least I can back up my claims and opinions).
  12. ryanbrooks

    ryanbrooks Active Member

    #1 without a doubt. ;)
  13. illini420

    illini420 1909 Collector


    Though #2 is a close second. I'm just not a fan of the golden toning on a nickel, even though it's common. different strokes for different folks.

    #3 doesn't look good to me from that photo. Would like to see all 3 in hand before pulling the trigger on any or all of them though a photos can be deceptive (intentionally or unintentionally).
  14. ldhair

    ldhair Clean Supporter

    I would guess #3 would look as good as 1 and 2 if the image had been taken by the same person at the same time as 1 and 2.
    I didn't vote on the best coin. Can't tell.
    I would vote on the image of #1 as being the best image of the three.
  15. BNB Analytics

    BNB Analytics New Member


    I didn't criticize anyone. Get lost!
  16. BNB Analytics

    BNB Analytics New Member

    Thanks guys, #1 is my fav. again, I just think it's better struck on the obverse.

    The reverse on the two are about the same.
  17. CoinKeeper

    CoinKeeper Keeper of Coins

    *claps* great language buddy
  18. BNB Analytics

    BNB Analytics New Member

    Hey, guess what else is great language?

    You're reported.

    I feel you're spamming my thread. So get lost!
  19. tmoneyeagles

    tmoneyeagles Indian Buffalo Gatherer

    Here we go again.
  20. rlm's cents

    rlm's cents Numismatist

    Maybe, but this time BNB did not start it. He did over react to it, but still............
  21. tmoneyeagles

    tmoneyeagles Indian Buffalo Gatherer

    Tensions are still high in the Cointalk household....will they ever go down... :rolleyes:
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