23 wheaties coin roll hunting

Discussion in 'Coin Roll Hunting' started by Chris collects coins, Mar 13, 2020.

  1. 20200313_215858.jpg I found 23 wheats from 1935 to 1957 coin roll tonight. Also 4 Canadian 1 cents and 1 2009. That is the most I have found in one box.
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  3. tibor

    tibor Supporter! Supporter

    Many of them look to be in pretty nice condition. I wonder if
    dad or granddad is missing any!!
    spirityoda likes this.
  4. NOS

    NOS Former Coin Hoarder

    Who knows, really. My grandfather in North Carolina had a decent-sized glass jar of cents stored away in his garage. The newest ones that could be seen through the glass dated to 1974. I believe it hadn't been opened since around that time. I saw it just once in 2013 when I had a brief look through some of his coins with him.

    In 2015, Grandpa wasn't doing too well so my mother went to get him packed up and moved to Connecticut to be closer to my uncle. I asked if the jar could be kept in its intact state when it was found and possibly set aside for me. She said she didn't see the jar; it was a busy time out there packing and moving, apparently.

    In 2017, Grandpa unfortunately departed this earth. I again inquired about the outcome of this jar of cents. It turns out that the cents were transferred to a plastic container in North Carolina and upon Grandpa's departure, the cents were rolled up and deposited to a bank in Connecticut. So there you had potentially hundreds of wheats and who knows how many older cents in pristine condition just released into circulation.

    Unfortunately, non-collectors don't see coins the same way a collector does. To most non-collectors, it doesn't matter if a jar of cents has been stored away for 40 years or six months. To them it all just looks like well, money.
    Chris collects coins likes this.
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