I remember seeing a post on here (I think) stating collectors were having a hard time finding 2024 Nickels. I looked on eBay to see and sure enough, they seem to be selling for at least $5 each. I did some coin roll hunting of nickels this weekend and found eight (8) 2024-D. I thought I would offer them here to my brother/sister collectors before throwing them up on eBay. If you need one let me know and we can work something out.
Hey,Hey. Sent you an email, just read this post, have the D. Did I send you a P nickel? Senior moment !!!
I will wait, to find one thanks for the offer. I found a 2024d dime not too long ago. First of last year.
I got one in change last week, but it had already been too heavily circulated. It had at least 20 medium-size contact marks on both sides and all of the high points had abrasions and scuffs. It seems getting bank rolls will be one’s only hope of getting some keepers.
On ebay a new roll (2024D) is selling for over a hundred dollars and a couple weeks ago..over were going for over 200 one ebay ad that ends soon is at 140
They have been minted, and I have been told where they are… but they haven’t been purchased by the treasury and therefore no one is really able to get ahold of them. They are on track to be harder to find than 2009-D nickels. Look for them. I may know a buyer if you get them in large quantities.
If I remember, they have a lower mintage than the 2009 D, but when you consider they have a higher mintage than the 1959 plain nickel which doesn't sell for anywhere near as much. And since there is a lot of hype around the 2009 coins and the 2024's a LOT more of them are being squirrelled away in Unc they will be the new 1950 D, available everywhere in Unc and rarely seen in circulated condition. Same as the 2005 Buffalo nickels. Almost 10% of the mintage was sold in rolls and bags directly to collectors. It's a coin that will never be scarce in Unc.
I want to know who halted the release of these half dimes. I have the dime just not Jeff yet. I would be in for a bag when they become available.
Good luck. I have a wholesale client looking to buy them at 50 cents each…. $20 a roll. Big markup. who knows what they’d sell them to their retail customers for….