2023-D nickel improperly annealed or just environmental?

Discussion in 'Error Coins' started by 71Avalon, Feb 4, 2025.

  1. 71Avalon

    71Avalon Well-Known Member

    Found in a roll yesterday. It still has luster, so I'm not sure on this one.

    Screenshot_20250204-120219.png Screenshot_20250204-120310.png
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  3. Snowman

    Snowman Senior Member

    probably got dark from being outside and then someone took to wire wheel

    you can see like a center of more wear from 2 oclock to 8 oclock
  4. 71Avalon

    71Avalon Well-Known Member

    Ok. I appreciate it. When I find something like this and it still has luster it makes me wonder. I figure it's usually environmental but I like to ask to be sure.
  5. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

    Set it next to another 23 that is brilliant. What is that on the right side of the Monticello? It could have taken some heat after strike but that could be all just die deterioration. There is a full rim.
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