2020 D defective plating

Discussion in 'Error Coins' started by MisterJ, Jun 10, 2024.

  1. MisterJ

    MisterJ Member

    This is the other obvious coin I got in my 2020 D bank rolls in late 2020. Once again these rolls were when the "shortage" was happening in banks, but the banks around my town had no problem with giving me rolls. These rolls had only 2020 D pennies in them

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  3. MisterJ

    MisterJ Member

    Not sure why this picture didn't upload

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  4. Spark1951

    Spark1951 Accomplishment, not Activity

    Did you have a question about it?
  5. Gorham_Collector

    Gorham_Collector Specializing in Shield Cents

    That’s a real nice one bjg
  6. Gorham_Collector

    Gorham_Collector Specializing in Shield Cents

    He was replying to a previous post made a thread by accident. This is pre strike damage. He is showing
  7. MisterJ

    MisterJ Member

    No just sharing.
    Kentucky and SensibleSal66 like this.
  8. SensibleSal66

    SensibleSal66 U.S Casual Collector / Error Collector

    Thanks for the reply but it's still PMD.
    Cazador and Gorham_Collector like this.
  9. Gorham_Collector

    Gorham_Collector Specializing in Shield Cents

    pre strike damage isn’t PMD.
  10. VistaCruiser69

    VistaCruiser69 Well-Known Member

    I’ve got dimes like this too. But the reverse. Copper layer showing.

    FFEBAECD-7772-4730-94D1-017404CFAF16.jpeg 45FB4F84-DC53-4618-9E4F-112DF607CB1B.jpeg F20D6834-A96A-41F1-A172-EE2601239556.jpeg E325A6C4-AAD3-415E-A015-B6C4D9691725.jpeg 52A5DC63-A557-42A8-A9E5-AEB73212E914.jpeg EDABD136-B1F9-4672-A033-87C7F4AC395F.jpeg 7D04B40F-3406-4FC3-91A4-4E890735D40D.jpeg 1283264D-6ED3-4628-92D9-36D215ED02CC.jpeg 37AA0724-BA3B-46D4-9001-669C9DBB028C.jpeg 64203420-C8B3-46AA-99BD-0A3B121896EA.jpeg
    SensibleSal66 likes this.
  11. VistaCruiser69

    VistaCruiser69 Well-Known Member

    The 2020 Penny that the OP posted and the dime I referenced is all probably due to flawed materials or the process involved in making the coins. Terrible. You wouldn't see these type of things on pre 80's coins in most cases. It would be way out of the ordinary. Probably like most everything else. Save cost by shaving off the quality of materials and/or steps involved in the process of coin manufacturing. Save money at the expense of the quality of the deliverable. Trade-offs.
    MisterJ likes this.
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